
Ron said, "i have a pair of overalls that i think will fit him. hold on, let me go get them!" "you have a set of overalls that are _that_ big?" "yep! got them from a tiger i slept with a few months ago."

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Fertile Soil - Chapter 3

"okay... now take your overalls off and bend over this. uhh... then close your eyes." blake said to the other boy while patting the hay bale.

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Stu lowered gideon to the ground undoing the buttons on his overalls and kissed him again. "oh stu." gideon moaned as bunny explored every inch of his plump body. his soft paws slid up and down his curves while removing his clothing.

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Halloween 2013: Part 1

He was short with a whip-cord thin body but the dungarees and black t-shirt he was wearing clung to it in a rather appealing fashion.

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Clyx - Chapter 24 - Calm; Chapter 24.2 - Calamity

Xilo came to a halt, fidgeting in her overalls. she unlatched a shoulder strap and then the other, letting the front fall down.

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Valentine's Gay

His eyes - the only part of simon's body with the energy to move - turned towards his husband, imagining what he'd look like if he were to take off his overalls.

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Re-Orientation [Commission]

Before she left the locker room, she almost forgot she was still wearing her overalls... and moreover, that she was nude beneath them.

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Stage 1-1

The overalls were just as absurd- his young lithe form giving little for the overalls to grip to... generally letting one strap hang while the other suspended from near his neck on the opposite shoulder.

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Steel Wheels, Iron Horses Ch. 2

"maybe we can't get him out of it, but we can put padding under his overalls so it won't hurt so much."

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Fertile Soil - Chapter 5

Basil bent down and pulled on his overalls again trying not to think about the mean older boy. his overalls felt so so tight again on his butt and thighs, even moreso than earlier. perhaps it was just his damp skin.

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Ch. 4: Up and Around

With it on, i was pleased to see the fact that i was wearing overalls was entirely hidden.

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