Con Fox

He must, what other explination is there? i looked at the fox and nodded and then saw the foxes face smile brightly with excitement and happiness. he then pushes me on my back as he takes off his shirt and mine.

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 7

I don't know how far shadow-heart led me, but i needed to know what all this was about so i stopped and refused to budge until i got an explination.

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What Could Go Right? Chapter 1

The explination for this will be later in a actual class explanation. please enjoy, and yes this is based off of a real campus.

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 4

I suppose it was the blessing of malacath, thre was no other explination. i followed the ogres out and they, tirelessly, made their way back to the plantation.


Jacob didn't know what but he just did there isn't really an explination, however he would see fred go out to dates with human girls and he wasn't ever comfortable with humans in general but he really didn't know. "hey dude sup."

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 4

I suppose it was the blessing of malacath, there was no other explination. i followed the ogres out and they, tirelessly, made their way back to the plantation.

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Mysterious visit

Although he wanted to press fang further on this little...skill of his, his three tailed companion wasn't going to give much explination as it seemed so he had little choice but to battle him, fang had led him already to his spot on the arena and he

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Born to Lose, Chapter one

So i brushed a little clump of cheese from olvie colured t-shirt and scuffled my sandels, awaiting for the explination of this great new game.

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Wild Speed and Technical Difficulties

Jason began giving moment-to-moment commentary and explinations as he watched through a pair of glasses attached to the headset, which gave him access to live x-ray and thermal screens as well as his normal sight.

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GSA chapter:3

I'm sure there is a reasonable explination behind all this." that gave derek hope maybe if i explained why i'm pretending to be gay they'll underst- "there is no good reason to be a fag. fags are unholy people who will be damned to hell!"

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One of a Kind - Chapter 2 Explination and Exploration

One of a Kind - Chapter 2 Explanation and Exploration Glad to hear so many people enjoyed the first chapter! How far this goes will depend on the readers, but for now I'm only planning on three chapters... if at the end of Chapter 3 I still wanna...

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Emara and Worrin: Second Morning

"oh... um..." she began, trying to find an explination that he would understand. "i was looking in your eyes," she started. "you've done that before, but you're usually smiling and usually farther away," worrin interrupted. "let me finish!

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