FlounderAway: Stressful Follow

Flounderaway: stressful follow long time no see, audience. it had been a long time. months even! well currently you are on the right time after all. cause you see... i am having a bit of a trouble. just recently, perhaps a few days before.

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The Moon Follows the Sun

Why did you not follow him as he left to face the enemy?" i ask as a look of horror and shame begins to fill her eyes. her gaze wanders, desperately searching for an answer. how dare she... after telling him such honeyed words...

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Following her heart

"follow me~" rarity says with a sing-song inflection to her voice. she turns around and walks to the stairs, her horn glowing just long enough to flip the 'open' sign in the window to 'closed'.

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Fallout - An Illusion to Follow

Onward and onward the ghost marten lead, me following right behind. i was beginning to believe that i had gone insane and was chasing a mirage to my death when we reached an open valley.

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New Found Follower

#20 of new found form new found follower by von krieger tianna let out a moan as she massaged her aching muscles. she was panting from the exertion of moving some small bits of furniture down into the basement recreation room.

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Follow Your Paws

Dan barked and wagged, following daniel and david out of the forest and back to civilization. * * *

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Following Her Steps

Only the gods know what will become of her now, as trouble will be quick to follow in her wake._ following her steps written by: spudz the freshly fallen snow was thick, piled high in immense drifts.

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Snakeskin - Gaining Followers

\*Meanwhile, in another dimension...\* "Master Renzyl, two gifts have been fully evolved, with the first gift almost done as well." The silver-scaled lizard said as he looked back to the black dragon that hovered over him. Now in the light, his...

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Many Paths to Follow

. :3 **many paths to follow** eighteen years old... a whole life ahead of me. but, what kind of life? what kind of person do i want to become? for some, that question is a metaphor. for me, an eevee, it's a fact of biology.

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Following The Lifeguard's Rules

Begrudgingly, he sulks back in and begins to wash himself, but the lifeguard, one valerie suvel, follows him in and makes sure that he scrubs behind his ears...and under his tail. as always, read, comment and enjoy!

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Following the Fleeting Summer

# chapter 14: following the fleeting summer this time i awoke in complete darkness.

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Following the Feral Side

He hardly noticed the crowd following him. he knew they were there, and they were all female. good for them! but they had to wait their turns. he was big and strong, but there was only one of him and they would have to wait their turn.                

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