Gathering Gloom

gathering gloom lightning strikes the side of a foreboding mountain as a convoy of three zeppelins struggle to fly amidst the storm supplying the dangerous light show.

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03 The Gathering

The soldier came back. "For some reason, Agent Tag was not available, but General Gentry said you are expected, Sir. Though you are not to use your standard entrance. Because of the civilian you are to go to the tunnel and enter that way." "Ah. Ok. I...

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Gathering Clouds

Everyone gathered, but dante walked in, "oh, weapons storage. guess they forgot about this one."

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The Leading Edge of the Storm Front

                Maggie found who she was looking for, and once she got a promise of at least of show of their presence and support, she made good their escape. As one they traveled south to the point she knew in her heart was going to be somewhere...

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I do still care about the magic the gathering story, even if it doesn't care about me. nashi is technically canon, though he's never appeared been a card, or even been mentioned on one.

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Frostbite Versus Jack

I sat down at the table across from the husky, "You ready?" I asked, rolling a pair of six-sided dice, "Monopoly rules?" I asked as the dice tumbled across the table."Sure." Jack replied. The dice stopped as he said this, one landing on a three, and...

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End of the Tournament

"Alright, Jack. Ready to go?" the chipmunk asked, finishing shuffling his deck.The husky responded after placing his cards on the table, "You bet!""Then let's roll!" Charlie said happily."Monopoly rules?" Jack asked, throwing the dice."Sure. What are...

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16 - Gathering at the Cabin

There's really not much to tell from the next week. While Toby's life was disrupted by finals preparation, My week was mostly routine, except that finals week mean there were days without History Class. Druff offered the exam early, then had us come to...

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Invane: Pack Gathering

Invane: pack gathering "so is this the spot for the gathering?" i questioned, raising my eyes towards the cavern before us while shifting my attention towards huzizu who nodded his head slowly. "i assumed it to be.

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Lykos - 13 - The Gathering

Ren only hoped that such a gathering would prove fruitful. leaving the wolves of echo creek was very difficult. she would ensure it wouldn't be for nothing.

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Chapter Seven - The Gathering

Grimm gently laid foxfire on the ground and with kurietta's help, gathered up all of their belongings. dahmietra was a little slow in moving, though she tried her best to gather her things.

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Gatherings - Part Four

Final word count : 4,538 **gatherings - part four** "now then, where were we?"

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