The Pokemon Threat!
** deep within a forest, in a small field of blooming flowers was a houndour, many pokemon were afraid of the houndour, mostly because they knew houndour and houndoom had bad history.
Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Pokephiliac
houndour hopped on my waist and pushed his already unsheathed and hard cock into my welcoming hole. houndour's cock was a little bigger than vulpix', but considerably less warm, but it surely did the trick!
No Place for Heroes
Bust bristled slightly at the way he spoke to her, the houndour feeling conflicted about just how harsh he was.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 18 - A trip down Memory Lane
He hadn't ever met a houndour, maybe seen. „yeah! i saw you once at" kyurex thought.
The Eevee Chronicles part 14
Tammy and kota provided backup by combining their thunder shocks to take down the houndour nina knocked back and mia doused the last one.
Roger, Roger
She'd heard houndours were supposed to be creepy, but she just had to have him once she saw him available to be adopted.
Daevon the houndour
He was an attractive houndour and would make a proud houndoom he had a nice soft coat, she sniffed between his legs. satisfied she said, "i am not beautiful.
Rubies & Emeralds: Chapter 5: Sapphire
I asked one of the houndours. "hmm maybe check to the north, but don't head south, there's a vicious killer down there who murdered one of our pack near a hot spring." the houndour replied. "um... ok thanks."
Eevee's Path, Part 2
Eevee knew he had little time before the houndour took her, so he used quick attack, quickening his speed to get to the houndour in time. he rammed into its side, throwing the male houndour through the den and into a wall.
New freinds and a home?
Happy to have something to eat besides berries; he walks over to the pile of fish when he notices a little houndour eating one of his fish. "hey!"
Team Foxy's Expedition
Two pokémon, a houndour and a timburr, laid weak and helpless upon the sand together, adorned with the orange neckerchiefs of their team color. the houndour lied upon one side, his limbs limp and lying straight.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Dragons Den
"houndour has been registered to your pokedex. houndour the dark pokemon a dark and fire type. it conveys its feelings using different cries. it works in a pack to cleverly take down prey."