The Pet's Desire

"sigh...." he decided he could taker a bit longer of a nap, after all he was interupted from his sleep. "good boy..." he hugged the shepherd and let himself fall asleep.

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Corsi INC 34

Corsi interupted. after a few awkward moments of silent staring, corsi asked again. "so what's your name?" "this one was born as sneff mistress corsi."

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The Interpol Files: Beware, the Shaman

Sly interupted, knowing what bentley was going to say next "which are always correct." "precisely," nodded bentley.

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 5

With that a voice interupts there conversation, " miss hotsex are you in here?" hotsex groans looking at puppy with an annoyed look, " yes, rufus, what is it?"

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Love with a flame

"o veemon, im sorry..i" but was interupted as veemon pulled him into a loving kiss. they moaned for 10 minutes of kissing and tonging each others mouths. davis once again broke the kiss.

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lucario a love story advanced ch.10 a night of role play

" interupted lucario snapping hiyota back to attention " final rule! nobody gets out of charecter until everybody finish's everyone understand?

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Bathhouse Cuck

interupted croix, the jackalope's eagerness finally showing itself. roland scoffed at how he was cut off, but he was used to it. when croix was excited there was no calming him. "i saw a chalkboard on the way in.

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Doctor wot- the furry earth

The saviour was reading his 400 year diary(although he was only 360 years of age)until he was interupted by citt.

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A Long way. part 4

_ scott interupted. _"things in the us are getting better, but they're still pretty bad. it's a pretty young country and it seems to more focused on external affairs than inernal."_ dusk explained. _"but anyway, that's enough questions for today.

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Misery Ch.4 Goodbye...

He interupted him. making the creature now serious "why not?" they stood there staring at each other for a while... until damon walked in the direction where the lake was. he stopped to say "are we going to the lake or what?"

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 2

Alex interupts with a chuckle and spike eyes widen "do i know you?" he asks curiously and alex laughs abit more "yah you do... i must've been gone for a very long time for the little dragon dude to forget me already."

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:30)

You interupt. everyone went quiet. "you chained me to a wall, and beat me. you took me out of a hospital when i was recovering. you just treated me like i was a pet.....i hope you`re happy." you say.

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