I said GOOD DAY!

He told her, "take this ledger to an old acquaintance of mine in tanaris. his name is narian soothfancy - terrible, terrible psychic, but an amazing engineer! he should be able to make sense of it all. no need to thank me, cyllia.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 9

Then i grabbed the ledger, but before i put it back, i opened it and read curiously. i didn't think pirates needed ledgers.

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The Horror In the Pit

The brit stoat jotted down another note in his ledger book and blew on the page to dry the ink before turning it.

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Pairs of Pumpkins Episode 8: Pridemoon’s Precipice

Every one of them was logged in the heavy, leather-bound ledger she carried in an improvised sheath, strapped to her lower back.

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To Chase a Rabbit: Tragic Ending

_ the cicada sits up and takes a ledger pad out of his bedside nightstand. _this can't stand. i'm only one man, but i have to at least try to do something.

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Cat Got Your Tongue (Cat TF)

Sally would be looking for ledgers, documents, anything that might lead her team to a bust or an arrest. sally was sure to earn the promotion she deserved for this!

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 1.5)

Once he finished he pushed the ledger back to the bear as he politely talked as best he could manage, "so ummm...mr...." as he looked for the proper phrase to call him.

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Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 3: The Bunnyhop Nightclub

He pointed to a ledger on a podium. buxy looked down at the ledger, and read the standard legalese notice.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 8)

A competent criminal accountant wouldn't be naive enough to leave an obvious paper trail, of course, but mortuaries were often _very_ small operations and she suspected barash kept his own ledgers. nothing under e-- wait.

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Pairs of Pumpkins 03: The Displacement of the Duodecaplets

She had seen the ledgers, after all. "tati and titian were also... inbred," anastasia explained quietly before zarron's cold glare silenced them both.

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Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 4

Whoever made this ledger must have been spying on us, taking meticulous count on every last cent." tik tik growls, pushing herself up from her seat. "miss harrison has lots explaining to do," the kobold says, her tail lashing about.

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