Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 17

"yes, coaldust is mated to both medallion and me." medallion then interjects. "in chakat culture we would have multiple mates and co-mates. it does make a large family easily but then we would have a lot of support.

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The Cerebral Corporate Cortex

The meek mouse gripped the medallion in his pink paws, and as soon as it was secured he started to change in demeanor. he cackled light before bursting into a maniacal laughter.

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When Jumping To Another Dimension Part 3

Wolfa thrown the medallion sky high and it hit a tree, braking in two, she took out another medallion and given it to kogenta, he placed it on his shirt. both of them got out of the hot spring and got dressed.

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Of Men and Dragons: Chapter 8

It was the medallion he gave to his son. "william..." he took it and stared at it for a while before his sight got too blurry due to his tears. his grasps around the medallion formed into fists. "...gods... why..."

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Dragon Sword

The sword and medallion to be given the the chosen on the day of birth. at age twelve the chosen is to give the medallion to his or her partner dragon then immediately begin their training with the former wielder.

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battle plan A: was AWESOME !....but it's CRAP !

Will pov) will: is it true you gave barbossa my name instead of yours. why choose my name elizabeth: i don't know ( pull out medallion) will: elizabeth where did you get that?


He'd remove the medallion, sure...maybe a little later. the night was still young...

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Bimbo Torin

Still, the medallion was making it faster, and from what he'd looked up, this intelligence drain would last longer. torin wouldn't be getting it back until he released it from the medallion, and even then, it could be locked behind a hypno-trigger.

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Spirits (Part Two)

She burbled in surprise and looked down to see that her legs were tangled up inside the silver chains, the medallions sparkling all around her, and they wouldn't let her go.

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Lion's Heart - Ch 2

Tobias reached out his hand and touched the pendant's round medallion with his fingertips - and a soft flare of blue light surrounded the medallion, thus confirming chi'lah's suspicions.

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Soul Rebellion #04: Punishment

The orochi clan's medallion, the suzaku house medallion, a majestic bird covering, almost looked protectively of a red stone, and the fox's medallion, with a kind of flower with a green stone right at the centre.

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