The Missing Guidebook

_I have several memories of that time of my life in Virginia and for some reason they deal with death. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\__ Mark David Chapman Behold - _October._ ...

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Missing Piece

And yet somehow, something seemed missing. no matter how much the furs in his life told him otherwise, he couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't deserve anything that he had.

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Missing Person

He stared at the ground as he walked, turning over all the missing person's cases in his mind again, for the hundredth time that day. fourteen teenagers, all between eighteen and twenty-four years old had gone missing from the nightclub district.

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The Missing Link

missing link we share nearly ninety percent of our dna with feral animals and yet there is so much different about us. we anthros have built cities, towering buildings, advanced technology and even gone to the moon.

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The Missing Motive

Whole chunks were missing, including a week around that day." "not missing," tyndale countered. "destroyed by you, so there would be nothing to connect you to him.

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Something missing

There was just something missing and i wasn't entirely sure what it was. while i was in college, during the summer i had worked in a factory that created condiments.

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A Missing Link

The sound of coins colliding with wooden countertop echoed through stiff air. Spencer's bones ached. His soul was weary from constant travel, cheap inns with broken beds and barfights, and predatory howls in the darkness, just off the beaten, dirt...

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Missing Hikers

It was already past 1 PM, and the woods were teeming with birdsong, the drones of insects, and the wind rustling through the trees. "Come on, boys, let's pick up the pace!" Ulyss called--the athletic wolverine was a good 80 feet ahead of the husky...

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Missing Lupo

Or the missed calls. or anything. the minutes passed without any sign, past the maximum time. nothing arrived. luca hadn't tried to contact him during the night.

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Miss Honeybunn

"good morning, miss honeybunn," the stallion bows his head slightly, gentlemanly.

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Missing Him...

Sam said we had missed him by about twenty minutes. i admitted to the let down and looked back at a.j. she was a little miffed that my interests lay in another animal who was not present.

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Missed Love

"i've missed you during your journey, my love," ceridex whispered in her ear. "i've really missed you."

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