Lesson VI

They see all things as needed or not, or in a simpler way think of this.whenever you are in your little sandbox, you always play with your toys and sand.

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Kevin Foxboy 03

Drink ... sandbox ... warm ... sleep. that was my life for a week or so. i was so quick-growing my mind formed and my training began. crawl to milk, stand on all fours, stumble, get back up, walk.

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Thank You Mommy

This only got a cruel laugh in return as the dog started to drag the kit around the large sandbox over and over again.

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The Life of Another - Anonymous submission

#3 of the life of another - sandbox hi all, received a submission from a reader who wanted me to post it anonymously. i feel i should note that while this uses a character or two from the main story, it is not part of the actual storyline in any way.

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Two big, never too big

Wide open sandbox types with very little in terms of quests just bored her. not that she was that upset. after all, she had more important things to do. like feeding her game loving fat boys.

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Family Journal Chapter 2

Archer told him, setting him in the sandbox. justin murmured, twiddling his paws a little.

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Fun in the Desert

We will be leaving shortly for the sandbox. it's a very long flight, and we will be stopping for gas twice on the way there. you will be seated and strapped in unless i tell you otherwise.

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"Advent" - Chapter 1 - Another Day

Kevin is my oldest friend from back in the sandbox days. he's a lion; mid twenties, built, athletic, gorgeous, even charming i would say had i never learned he slept with an entire football team after the teams' big game... twice.

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WC day 4 character bios

Her personal favorites were always strategy games, that let her feel in charge, powerful, for a change from her regular life; where she always felt like the nameless unit being ordered around; or big sandbox games that let her carve out her own destiny.


Lonely Oak Chapter 107 - Mother's Day

"i can play around in that glorified sandbox any ol' day." he rested the bag upon the blanket, over the baby's knees. "i'd rather play in a sandbox with this little guy.

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Use as Directed

How the sandbox was once a sanctuary for him and how it once beckoned to him again. the marten shuffled his paws around in the sand as if by instinct.

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