Bittersweet: Part I.

"he was seizuring and throwing up last night and we took him to the hospital," lexi gave a weak smile, not believing it in the least.

raised by eevee

"the nurses said you had a seizure," says the boy. a seizure? so, i'm not being possessed? "my name is timothy. me and my sister brought you here." "ee...eee..."

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My dear Brutus

The next seizure followed. stefan groaned in pain. "my god, oh god, oh god! please do not! " he wanted to scream, but his jaw did not move.

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Dangerous Lunatics spin-off: Turning Point Book 1

Kim woke to her parents looking over her in the hospital. its been 4 years since then and she still has the seizure visions their mostly random and only have her blackout for a bit most doctors say shes epileptic and ever since she mentioned the dreams some


A Life in High School, Ch. 7

But directly after that, it all came rushing back: the festival, the lights, red disappearing and reappearing bloodied at the bottom of that cliff, and finally, my seizure.

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Animorphs: Lost Journal 1, Chapter 6.3 - Near Catastrophe

Was this what a seizure felt like? i'd heard about seizures before. i think my great aunt had them. suddenly dude started approaching me, and my eyes fixed on him. the large tom cat crept slowly forward, even as i writhed.

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Voracious Joy

Wolf pleasure, bat's pain, volcanic seizure errupted! howl in the falls of semen rapids. cooling yellow eyes, knot swollen locked. holding. breathless time, noses touch, muzzles filled in voracious joy.

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Jane Porter: The Revelations Of Despair

Tarzan chi points were b locked, so he was having a spasmic seizure and his bowels showered the air with rotten yellow shit that fell on terk with much pleasure, matting her fur in thick crusts.

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Jurrasex Park

Morax dives on top of tiamatt to hold his flopping, seizuring body down and yells, "what the fuck rose?!?" vanadis grabs the kicking legs under his arms and tries to ignore how good the spasming feels on his cock.

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Chapter 11- Hiding in Plain Sight

"i didn't want to scare you, so i didn't tell you, but when your seizure started, i took advantage of your mental break to hook into your thoughts.

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A Slice of Lex Ch. 2 (with yiff)

I'd never really witnessed a seizure before, so i didn't know what to do. i called nine one one, and waited until it passed. she bounced back fairly quickly from that one, but she was panicked.

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HIM and I

Then i started to shake, as if i were having a seizure. i was screaming and crying. she said she tried to wake me up. when it stopped, she said i was really paranoid and jumpy. i remember screaming about him. that he was following us.

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