Raccoons Make Shitty Pets 2: Rebel's 4th of July Explosion

Then her filthy anus yawned wide, and with hissing and popping noises a coil of soft-serve sewage oozed out, slowly piling up on her thigh.

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From the desk of the General. Mission 2.

Then, in a moment of fortuitous (i'm glad this has spellchecker built in) coincidence, our sewage system backed up. here at the kaos army headquarters, lowlands, black planet, we don't have the infrastructure of my old homeworld.

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Second-Hand Life

You know the part where all the criminals hide out, with the cracked and dirty streets that smell of sewage and grime. even all the houses here are ancient and worn-looking. the whole neighborhood is decaying. it's the way things are nowadays.

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Day 20: asses and elbows

Kross then talked about how the servers have an emergency physical disconnect so that the system couldn't be hacked from within and how the water and sewage pipes were pressurized and how opening them without sealing the level and draining the system would

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Your not alone.

Out of the sewage ping came a half human half lion and it said both of you shut up! follow me!so they did the natural thing and followed the talking lion.

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I could not care less about the state of which my room is in or just what you think about it, not as long as this syringe slips into my skin and the sticky sweetness of its liquid slithers beneath my flesh and through my blood like rain into a sewage vent.

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Daniel's Long Night

It seemed clean, though there was a slight smell of sewage. but whatever, it could be worse. i had started to fall asleep on the husky's shoulder, but when he entered, he threw me onto the couch. "alright, buddy.

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Psychopathic Tendencies: About Drugs and Crimson Lips

A nasty rat that claws it's way through filth and sewage would be more welcomed here than this man! rex's reptilian teeth were all exposed as he glared down at his friend-- no, no! he was nothing more than prey!

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The First Encounter (pt 1).

He considered putting him into the cesspool outside and watch the sewage make the kobold sick. he considered on enlarging the kobold, just to see him walk ungainly for a while.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Seventeen

"careful, you're gonna fall into the sewage if you're not careful." joseph cautioned but he was ignored as dr. ami compared the two samples. "how many did you see leave the body when they popped out, so to speak." dr.

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She took a deep breath to sigh, however the stench of sewage from the open toilet system made her gag before she could sigh.

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Big Ben

He reached in, unabashed to pluck me from his sewage. he upturned the fishbowl over the toilet and flushed the contents before placing it back on the ground. "no need for lube now, you're completely a mess.

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