Borrowed Without Notice [Trade]

They were a fun, interesting fusion between bubblegum and ska, of all things, with a surprisingly aggressive take on their roots; the first time he had heard them he had fallen in love, and even now with his mind wandering somewhere completely different, he

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Coffee Between Cousins

As cordell was about to place his key into the door, the feathers above his ears perked up, he could hear the sounds of music muffled by the door, opening it up barraged the bird with the upbeat and loud tunes of ska mixed with punk, the source

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Love Ya, Bro!

Where i like opera and metal, he likes jazz and ska; where a good fantasy novel pleases me, he'd prefer to read a philosophical argument; i keep my head in the clouds and dream big, but he prefers more logical pursuits; i like dick, and... well.

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Chapter Three

Well, for blood horn village you would have 'sku' for bulls and 'ska' for does. it helps to identify where you came from." the young doe bowed her head thoughtfully a moment, thinking over the new information she had been given.

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MoN - Ch. 8: A Bittersweet Affair

ska and boogaloo would talk about 'sheathing' all the time, which he never figured out the meaning of. "stop... please..." he begged, knowing that he could only take so much more before giving into his throbbing curiosity.

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Jeff and Drew Aren't Dead - Part 1

Metal, punk, jazz, ska, classical; what mattered was the music. it flowed through him like electricity. too bad the band with mason and the guys from high school didn't work out. mason liked guitar, he just didn't want to practice.

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Taken By Surprise

That ska group smash hella is coming around in june, i'd love to see them... -and then spun around on my ankle and headed back towards the tail.

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Chimerakin Part I

Ana's eyes widen, -ska being the suffix for a female jerrik name, or a mate. she cradles her master... no, her mate's head. "i'm sssorry i didn't believe you, my mate." with that his eyes close, his breathing already beginning to slow.

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Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 5

Joseph growled the words as he moved a paw to dial the radio to pick up his phone, ska starting to play out of the car speakers as the wolf rolled his eyes while smiling. --\*-- "you've got a lot of explaining to do, young fox..."

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Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 7

The smell of oil, motor grease, and the wood of the building was all in his nose, a familiar almost comforting sensation filling him as he worked to the radio of the car playing one of his favorite ska bands. "there we go... phew.

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