Demon Castle Digitalpotato - the Latex Spider

It must have been a stonewall of some kind. strange at how empty it was... but there seemed to be strands of something shimmering in the light. he edged closer to see what these strands were, not close enough to touch them.

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Another Closet Case

The tigress provided me various details that were typical in infidelity cases; staying out long after work hours, stonewalling, a sudden interest in personal appearance, a lack of saying 'i

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world of elements part 1

The doors slowly opened as he approached them to reveal a palatial room with pictures of wolves all along the cold stonewalls. each one had a name under it; some looked as if they were drawn on paper.

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Scrap: Political Affairs

He's shown a genuine interest in you; even if you foolishly decide to stonewall him, you owe him the dignity of your attention." she marched smartly up to the arched entryway to the courtyard and stood behind a pillar.

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Lovers Dancing [ Installment 1 ]

At least it beat having a completely stonewall ranking officer. stevenson mumbled, "'glad someone's in a good mood..." "if this goes as well as the personal fields did, we just might get another halfday, stevenson." "and what then?

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 10

Quinn gilder had been at the emperor's palace all morning and well into the afternoon, waiting patiently to speak with his excellency, only to be stonewalled repeatedly by his staff.

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an endless voyage continued ch 25

Admiral maya followed captain mike as he led the way out of the css stonewall jackson's fighter bay and into one of the main corridors.

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Light and Dark Ch.2: The Feud

In truth, he had a crush on booker while alpha stonewall was still alive, the other pack's alpha caught his eye and he wanted more than anything to meet him.

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The Sorceress & the Knight Chapter I

Asra said annoyed at æiriksson's constant stonewalling, it was maddening in a way. "i can, and i will."

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The Tower

The winds of winter whipped at the tower's stonewalls. gradually turning the stone to ice. he would even at times see frost collect around the arrowslit's opening upon waking up in the break of dawn. if he slept, that is.

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Chapter 3 - New Life, Same Fears

I felt around and found a wall to my left, it was not a straight wall, it felt more like a rough stonewall. it was moist and cold just like the air around me.

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Unholy Solace (Prologue)

A stonewall gave way and the two hoodlums resumed their walking, this time down the bright dining hall.

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