A Chimaera tale... pt1

After a movement, he pinged the bow, and there was a howl of pain as the albino fox found a target. he dropped down, slotting another arrow, and landon stood up, emptying both clips into the same bushes.

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Central New Year 3 Part 5 Aftermath

The albino fox found it very amusing that i shouted after him when he had barred my way with the fire wall. he burst out laughing. but i did not rue him the exchange.

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01 Shadowfox Null

The albino fox looked back at her, light bouncing off her glasses. like most albinos, jasmine's eyesight was poor and her glasses provided augmented vision to compensate.

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Kidnap Pt 2

Abigail was still running through all the footage from the battle, and the albino fox was approached gently. he was still sore, and a bit weak on his feet, but he was there. i went back to working on takori. orion walked over to us.

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The Letter

His attempt at consolation bore no weight on the young, small albino fox, but he could either press on, or head back and he certainly didn't want to go back.

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Next Door

The albino fox lay unmoving on his mess of a bed, a lit joint between his fingers. he was stark, laying there with only his fur to cover him.

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Micros Economics

The albino fox said quickly. "i...i'm so sorry. please mistress, forgive me. i'm so sorry." jana sighed, and shook her head. "look, i'm not going to hurt you, alright? i promise.

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Pairs of Pumpkins 03: The Displacement of the Duodecaplets

The attempted spell had zero effect on the albino, fox-brute and her jaw clenched. "stop," she repeated. nothing. "sleep!" she barked to no reaction. "fuck." she was used to this working. "no weapons. don't hurt him. just stop him.

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The Hunt for the White Tiger

With a cautious eye towards the white-gray wolf, the albino fox walked up to the girl's head and prodded at her with his nose. her eyes opened, blurred with pleasure, and she nodded faintly as another moan escaped her lips.

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Ae, Mate?

._ me = albino fox. _not_ an arctic fox coz their ears are funny. bad funny jace = black wolf. p.s.: mate. 1) (noun.) each of a pair of animals. 2) (noun, informal.)

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"The Freshman 800" Part 2: A Cheat

Two albino foxes with the inability to speak came as well wearing moving uniforms. riley noticed that they kept to themselves as they moved his desk, tv, and dresser out of the room. "you want some help getting into the chair?" robbie asked. "yeah.

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Petticoats and Padding

You do look delightfully feminine, and such a nice figure too." said the albino vixen. "i dare say some ladies here might be a tad envious of you." kei laughed quietly. "fara's told me that too." andrew spoke up at that moment.

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