Chapter III: Zero Hour

"so how are we going to get back to the future?" valo asked as they walked into a room with cryogenic chambers, "oh well then virgil, enjoy the slow path." "yeah i know, but that's how the cookie is going to crumble.

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Mirror, Mirror... - Just a Little Change

"so... if i go back to the future from there, how do i even get to the right one where i do exist?" "thankfully you have a natural affinity for the one you are currently following.

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Love Knows No Bounds 2: Back To Reality?

"so no alternate timelines like back to the future? damn, but i wanna get rich!" he laughed "if only it was that easy, but money isn't an issue.

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The War ch1 A New Life

Marcus walked up to caelia who was relaxing on the couch watching back to the future the first one, "caelia listen ill be back soon, i'm going to check out something, you remember what to do if any one comes to the door right, and if they try to hurt

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A Moment of Calm (A1, B11, C31)

"when we find raul and he agrees to take me back to the future, i want to make sure you make it back to somewhere safe before i go. i'll explain to him that i want to take you to paris, first. then we'll get you on a ship, destined for america.

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The Christmas Party

It's a card game where you're a time traveller, and you have to change history in order to get back to the future you came from. and each different character you can play comes with their own mini science fiction story on the card." "oh, wow!

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Stranger Part 5A

A framed picture of the back to the future delorean on the wall made him roll his eyes. kit saw the picture as well and giggled a little. 'something he aspires to, i guess?'

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Getting Back What was Lost

When he got back to the future, even if he had to wait all those long decades, he was going to put eve over his knee and paddle her until his hand hurt! the tigress was all compassion. "oh please don't try moving.

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The Mysteries Around Us part 10

Jason's voice registered in argon's mind, bringing him back to the future time. "huh? what?" "what are you thinking of?" "nothing!" argon said a bit too quickly. jason raised an eyebrow and pointed to argon's pants. "then what's that?"

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My Girlfriend is My Daughter.

Can't have you going back to the future looking like that. i'll set out some fresh clothes you can put on when you leave." she stated simply. sounding like she was giving him a command.

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He knew what a hydroconvector was from seeing it used on the rv, and in essence, it was pretty much the same device that made a tiny looking pizza become a full meal for a family in back to the future. "okay," he said.

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An Average Day part 6

What i'm getting from this isa, is that you didn't like 'going back to the future 7' ". "no i don't because it's stupid! there isn't even such a thing as time travel!" "we're not saying if it's possible isa but we're discussing the theory."

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