Koa the Prostitute 1

"prostitutes have a bad reputation, which is understandable i suppose. but i'm pretty clean though i really don't like doing the dishes." vincent let out a soft chuckle, making koa's grin spread wider.

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Evening Out

She didn't want angie in her business and didn't want a bad reputation here. she'd dealt with enough back home. "no, i've just overheard that some students host them."

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The New Dog

The last dvd was all about the more 'aggressive' dogs, the ones that people tended not to get because of a bad reputation; jackson wasn't so sure about them but half way through the segment on rottweilers his dvd player froze.

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RIFTS Atlantis: Adventures in Splynn

Here, they would be safe, although some of his kin gave a bad reputation among humans, here they would be safe and accepted.

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Chapter Three

She never understood why southern dragons had such a bad reputation. from what her father had said, all southern dragons were snotty and arrogant, which keira now saw for herself.

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Tail Raiser

Rottweiler's had such a bad reputation, wholly undeserved. a small garden to the rear of the building, well fenced in, allowed matt some time to exercise during the day when jared was at work.

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Vargothen - New Beginnings - Session 1

I do not serve tyr, torm, or ilmater, and i still have had a bad reputation with tormites and their god. they would be willing to part with that which would be of the least of use of them... should i be willing to perform service on my own.

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Cub Tales: Curious Children at Play Remastered

The school had a bad reputation for incidents where students were getting pregnant just after such lessons. each resulted in one thing or another. that's why the school had a daycare program instituted for kids who had cubs of their own.

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Jeremy 055; Acquisition

Lazy fucks like you give rats a bad reputation." back in the common hallway with his prize dominic made his way to the freight elevator. just as he was about to push the call button he heard the telltale sounds of the elevator begin to move.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 6

"richard, she's got a bad reputation." "mother, you've never met her. she has that reputation because the other girls are jealous of her. she's actually a very shy girl.

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Light Bane: Chapter 24 (Start of Part 3)

Kobolds had a bad reputation, and if he did not look like he knew what he was doing, he would fall victim to it. he was, by far, the first and only kobold who graduated the academy and be a full-fledged mage with apprentices under him.

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Under The Otter's Tail

He had gained a bad reputation for roughing up the boys now and then, but he paid well, so the brothel's owners turned a blind eye to any grievance.

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