Rise of Katsuo

First condition is a blood-pact, second a ... kind of sacrifice and third a catalyst for our elemental magic, whereas all of them are more or less freely interchangeable... there's no special sequence you have to follow.

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Cayden Wilde in Calling the Shots - Episode 4

"_ the magical insignia glowed an eerie, blood red; the sign of a blood pact. it shimmered and the blood was absorbed straight into the metal. there was a soft creaking noise as the metal doors slid aside to let him pass.

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Northern Ones - Chapter 1: Trial by fire

"humans, we broke the blood pact, they will be suspicious of us evermore. the lords have stuck a stick into a nest of hornets, and we're the ones who get stung."

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Legend of the Storm and Sun, Book one - Asyron’s war.

Hard to say with blood pacts..." he reached the ledge standing out in the pouring rain, lighting crashing above their heads. life fading in her he held her out so she could see down into the pit, filled with his loyal legions.

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