Blue: Chapter 8

Red sighed again and turned on the intercom "blue, gray, and green, i want you in my office please." he turned off the intercom and waited. ~~ab~~ the three brothers made their way to the office.


Club Leviathan 000: Introduction

Rabid, rat - one of zhavir's favorite patrons, rabid is a blind, blue-gray rat who's never seen without her lover and submissive, diego.

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The Fire Night Mating

His blue-grey scales repealing starlight. he was dark, the enigma in the fire, the one log that burns blue instead of red. chaos bent to his will, claws burnished with darkness. to label one as he as evil was not the dragon way.

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Jessie Raiye: First Day

Jessie turned, blushing at the handsome blue-grey scaled dragon boy. he wasn't any older than fifteen, but jessie could see how strong he was, and how extremely handsome he was.

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Christmas Gifts

Rob then scratched behind kyle's blue-grey ear, with canyon-wide yawn and then some murring kyle then woke and rolled for belly rub. even though noticing they both were nude, rob could not help but speak what he had felt.

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ThriceCalderon+Cenny ($)

A 20 year old male wolf with blue-gray fur and wings, and i'm a mercenary. figure it's the best way to make up for all my mistakes. my current offer was from a human, some warehouse on the outskirts of a port that i was told to go to.

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 17

Everyone save cyanide stared uncomprehendingly at the blue-gray unicorn. his eyes lit up like a christmas tree and a wide smile crossed his face. "of course... it's so obvious. no wonder those things seemed familiar."

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Seductive Sensei

The athletic genet responded by sliding her shirt from her shoulders revealing one blue-grey shoulder at a time as her eyes slowly ran up along the human's bare chest until they met his lustfull gaze.

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Fevered Dreams

Not far from it, near the pit where their fire had nearly burned down to ashes and crumbled bits of wood, the huge, blue-gray form of panthro lay slumbering on his back and snoring as loudly and raucously as the tank's engine.

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into the woods

Gorgeous' he thought admiring his skunk mate. though only 5 foot 4, his velvet black fur, as well as the creamy white stripe along his tail was so soft and dan loved his tail, so much longer than other skunks, reaching above his head. he idly scratched his own blue-grey

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Digilove chapter two

He opened his eyes and saw that his eyes were no longer the blue grey they once were. they now were a nice amber color. * * * end chapter two * * *

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Out and Beyond Fantasy

His eyes were a mix of light blue-grey colors. he held out his human hand and smiled. " name is mark. may i ask who you are?" the woman blushed and she held out her hand as well. "lizzy...liz for short."

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