Burdens - Chapter 19: Inconsequential

Just a bunch of shapes with numbers on them, color coded, with the listings on the bottom. they browsed the available stores quickly and found their target destination quickly.

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The Gates of Heaven and Hell Prologue: The Afterlife Projects

He smiled at the thought then motioned for donna to walk over as she brought up the guns and put each one into the corresponding color coded gun.

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The Dark Fair, chapter 3: Welcome to our newest visitor!

"when thinking about enjoying our attractions, please note the color code next to its name.

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Uninvited: Intro

Each of the closest objects had a color code associated with them; a green tag indicated low threat, and currently all of the objects showed green. suddenly, a new object suddenly flashed on the screen, blinking red.

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Isolation Space

"solar wind telemetry now showing, colour-coded by decreasing orders of magnitude. how are you feeling today?" cassie's tone was cheerful, and fake or not hearing the familiar voice was nice.

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Collection Night

"color coded?" a massive pair of hands reached down to finish the job as ryvin responded "of course, how else am i supposed to ensure i know where each sample came from? now turn around, i want to prep you for my tail."

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Perceptional - Pt 3: Color me shocked

And which by mind-reading power he meant he was still asleep and dreaming about color-coded superpowers, of course. probably. he stretched over his bed to reach a notebook that was laying on the small nightstand.

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DU Chapter 2 - Warm Welcome

All of the different departments are color-coded to help the students get around this labyrinth easier. after all, it was built by dragons." she laughed, and i gave a slight chuckle at the joke. "so, when's orientation?"

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The Nexus Island Resort - Departure

"said if you wanted to experience what you had in the arboretum to a limited to degree go ahead and pop one of these in your mouth, and i guess the seeds are color-coded.

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Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 08

Each entry was color-coded to indicate how relevant they were to zikabar. white was the rest of the world, and the more red it was, the closer to denver it had happened. if it was in blue, it meant one of the names involved was from the society.

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Dawn of Vengence - Ch 1 - If You But Knew What You Are

Vikki was a senior agent now, called ruby in the colour code that the academy preferred.

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Wind Bourne Destiny: Part three&four; Capitivity.

"color coded, blue, signifies a non-virgin who is still very clean and what they refer to as usable" he says with a sigh, "a bit above that is pink signifies either a male who hasn't been used by another male or someone who has just recently lost their virginity

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