Beneficial Arrangement

Sighing, Eli ran a hand across his forehead, wiping away the sweat for the umpteenth time. No matter how much he tried to keep cool, with the cruel sun beating down upon his dark pelt all day it was all but inevitable that he would sweat heavily. He...

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Bigger and Better

Trid was not a brave fighter, or a shaman that could beat the tar out of people with magic, but she was a clever kobold, and she knew opportunity when she saw it. So when she saw the massive feral gryphon being led through the streets of Mirara in a...

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Three Humps for Mother's Day

It was Mother's Day, and Sam was alone. Not ALONE alone, but in a bit of a bad spot. Her girlfriend of years hadn't really been very keen on the idea of having children, at any point, and when it was clear Sam was actually serious about wanting them...

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A Draconic Encounter.

The forest noise is cut into by the rawrs and groans of the red dragon, writhing on his knees in the middle of a clearing. Fu is at his cock, milking his large, dragon cock with a paw. "I can't keep cumming!" Jake screams out as his cock throbs and...

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A Wild Night

**Two good friends enjoy a special night together under the gaze of the mystical full moon.** **Story written by me** , [![avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2](

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The Good Mistake

The Good Mistake \*\*\*August, 2022\*\*\* Matthew fixed his collar. Dean wanted the final test done for the day. Protocol demands approval first to what is tested. Surrounding Matthew were monitors as the yorkshire terrier anthro gathered...

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A Wild Night

**Two good friends enjoy a special night together under the gaze of the mystical full moon.** **Story written by me** , [![avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2](

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The Bold and Bumbling Tamer

All of my life has been spent underneath the ground in a crowded warren with other kobolds like myself. Safety and food are in abundance here, but everyday life is the same thing turn in and turn out, which doesn't seem to bother anyone except me....

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Pokemon Commission: A Stable Job

An excitable blue furred wolf stood just outside a stable where three pokemon had been gathered for a very special day. Azure stacked containers meant carefully hefting them up with a grunt as his prized pokemon and helper sylveon sat upon his...

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Patient Zero

"Another night, another coworker having to bail early..." It was a rather common occurrence for one of Chandra's coworkers to have to duck out of work early, leaving her to close down the veterinary office that she'd been working for several years....

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Bingo Does it Better

Dasher sighed to himself, lying on his boyfriend's couch. The owner of it, Daniel, had left earlier with the promise that he had something special for the purple ferret. But he highly doubted there was anything that the white feline could do to impress...

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Tribal conflict

Rinak's axe fell heavily on the head of the last old man in the place, making the smiling face of the Viking stained with blood. Around the warrior boar, the whole village was ablaze, the wood and thatch of the houses crackled with fire, and the...

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