NOC ch20: Into the Serpent's Lair

"a thousand yearsss ago if a mother had a hybrid child it had itsss head crushed against some rocks. today there are doctors who will oh ssso helpfully eliminate us before we're given a chance to take our first breaths.

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Absolutely Perfect

I panted softly and gently took hold of his head, crushing my mouth to his as i moaned loudly while thrusting into his hand. i felt it getting closer, it was unbearable, i just wanted it all to end, but then it would be over too soon.

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Black Hand: House of Pearl

His head bobbed to and from quickly, and before long the lad grabbed the older cat's head, crushing his crotch into black's face.

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Game-Changer, Chapter Five

She raised her right foot and slammed it down on his head, crushing it like a beer can. there was just enough time for him to release a truncated scream before his head was flattened in a shower of sparks and a splatter of energon.

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Chapter 9: The Near Miss

One unfortunate arrow wolf lay with his head crushed under a fallen tree, a dark pool of blood spreading in the grass and mud beneath him. the arrow wolves had taken tala, but she had fought back.

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Sex Muffins

Both bulls let up on the orc head with their powerful head crushing thighs. both orcs looked a little embarrassed, retracting their teeth and putting out their tongues.

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Blood and bone splattered from the beast's mouth as he dropped the very dead hyena, head crushed and almost unrecognizable. quinn's insides tightened and his vision spun.

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Midline Shift 14 - Red Sand

** _" this was the last the human hard before a violent headbutt came crashing down on him, the krogan's rock-shaped head crushing the inside of his skull as it caved in with fury, eyes popping in blood-white rivulets.

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YCH - A Night at LAZCORP

Eventually, her hands glistened from the plentiful dribble of sex leaking from his tip, while the warmth of her fat, head-crushing cleavage aroused him even more. "mmf," she cooed.

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Beauty of the Beast, Chapter Two

With a roar that reverberated off of the cave walls, he slashed one of his large, clawed paws across the stomach of the next man, and pulled his intestines out and pushed him to the ground, then stamped on his head, crushing it into bits of brain and bone.

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Ceres' stories - pt 1

Just as ceres was ready to transform the man back to his human form, the cat bit him in the head, crushing the skull and killing him instantly. strangely, aside from feeling betrayed by her feline friend, she did not feel too angry at the cat.

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Broken and Torn

Despite my best efforts the mask was latched painfully tight to my head, crushing one of my ears agonisingly under the metallic like strap.

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