Shattered Shards: Horse and Hypnotist

The rider opened the stall door, and slipped something over dobbins' head, the youth felt something round and metallic enter his mouth, a horse's bit and bridle! the rider fastened the straps with practiced ease.

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The Barbarian and the Wizard

The horse bit down firmly on the bear's nipple, not painfully, but enough to send an exceptionally-powerful surge of pleasure rocketing up and down the giant's cock, and only an instant later, that monumental pillar erupted, sending a fierce deluge of hot,

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Frodo 2: Ros

'horse bit? ball gag? that home-made experimental one we made together, from the cut up tennis ball? ball gag, i guess, i think that looks neatest.' frodo opened his mouth, and his master fitted the gag, buckling it up behind the pup's head.

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Breaking the Recruit

The stallion bit his lip to try to avoid crying out as he felt the tip probe his crevice, parting his scrotum and playing with his testicles, then stroking his long velvet taint.

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Party Foul

Before the dazed, glazed wolfbird could react, he felt a stretchy band of silicon wrap around his head like a horse bit.

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The stallion bit his lip and determined to resist, even as his body betrayed him. he put all his strength and will into an effort to deny his captors the satisfaction of his release. the struggle was not an easy one though.

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Friends and Lovers

"the reason we wait - the reason i wanted to wait..." she gasped in pain, as the stallion bit sharply into the fur at the base of her human torso. "i am not ready for a foal!"

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In the Harness: Freedom

His back jerked and bucked under mickey as the stallion bit his neck harder to try and hold him still.

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Fertile Soil - Chapter 5

After a few more seconds, the older boy finally let him go, leaving him panting a little and his thighs and butt quivering as he lowered both his hands down to cover his vulnerable horse bits. "don't like to talk huh?

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Fates of the Unicorns 34 - Slave Training

The mare bit her lips and answered, "yes.... master." she cried out as a hand gave her muzzle a light slap. but even a light slap to the face is a shock and she whimpered, cringing. "too slow.

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Tanit's Stud Service

So they lifted their tail to show off their puffy mare bits. "unless you'd rather fuck this fresh new pussy as payment." tanit gave a final tease. "the money is fine." he said with a huff. "don't think i could fuck you if i tried right now."

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