MASTER Files 2: Kit Cloudkicker and Rebecca Cunningham

Subjects are primed with post-hypnotic triggers and suggestions. experiment resumes 15 minutes later, once beta-11 takes effect. subjects are awakened from trance state._ subject 24: ...h-huh?

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Kurama No Kyuubi: Inuzuka Obedience Training

The use of one of his hypnotic triggers by a trainer was too much! his concentration slipped for a moment and his bladder let a small stream of piss loose. he grabbed at his control again, clutching his diaper, trying to stop it. it was too late.

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Breezeport Stories: Tayl's Sister

The new post-hypnotic trigger echoed in tayl and kuro's ears... and both of them knew no more. like marionettes with their strings cut, both girls sagged forward, accidentally bonking foreheads over the head of bugs' cock.

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Working Bears 2: Victor's Choice

"i actually implanted a hypnotic trigger during your original enslavement in preparation for this. i just need to say it. to avoid it being too overwhelming, it won't all come back at once, but it should still be somewhat of an intense experience.

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Pokemon Battle Kingdom Chapter 2

In a world full of other psychic-types, she knew that could be dangerous, so she had keyed his hypnotic trigger to herself. she was the only person who could instantly drop him into a state of obedient bliss.

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Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 6

Da kiddos are all given hypnotic conditioning when dey enter the schools, and dey're given a number of post-hypnotic triggers. fer da safety of the kids, we've scrambled da trigger words to prevent anyone from misusing them."

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Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 8

While they were mind controlled into total obedience by the post-hypnotic trigger, they were still a large group of disorganized kids.

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Dog Soldiers (Multi Dog TF)

He turned her into a dog so she couldn't use the hypnotic triggers on him, but that meant the trance never got released." "seriously? so, we just, what... snap our fingers and he wakes up?"

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