The Bet

He didn't want to mate with a near human monster, he was saving himself for his girlfriend. he opened his tent, breathed a sigh of resignation, and went into it. the tent closed and the two commandos laughed.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Seventh Entry

Several times, off in the distance, rael heard the raucous laughter of human voices...or voices that were very nearly human.

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 20

"the garou refer to this form as your glabro, the near human. as a nuwisha, we have a different name, but that's not important right now. your third form is your war form, the one used for mainly fighting."

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Hunter And Winter

She slid up to a sitting position with nearly human like legs pressed to her chest and fore arms wrapped about them. her fore paws were closer to hands now, but with giant claws tipping each digit, black as jet.

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A threesome with Callie

In the absence of that harem the local pinniped males happily fucked humans or near-humans and he lifted his muzzle and blinked at her, hoping "later" was now. it was. she stripped off her bikini bottom and spooned up against him on the sand.

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Gingerbread Man: 2109, Chapter 2, Feih Desslat

Then he thought about how lovely her near human brown eyes were.

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Unseen Colors, Act Four

Brown, leather skinned creature with a nearly human figure ran on all fours after them. their eyes (in the light) were dead and white, pupils becoming none existent.

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Un-Extinct (A1, B1, C19)

"wolves _don't_ go near humans. it's better that way. look, we can argue about this all day. but right now? can we not?" methos held his hands up. "i do not wish to argue about this." "good, me either." peri stuck her tongue out.

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Untitled Rough Draft, Part 2

Lorkis's scaly but nearly human face turned a darker shade of brown as he slithered away. "and this is corwin mcallister," kolya said with a nod to her right after she finished greeting everyone.

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Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 13

However in early development, it was found that this alone was not enough to be able to create a machine with a suitably strong enough replica of a near-human personality - androids coded to possess aggressive and dominant personalities would be quick

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Chapter 3 - Alice Never Had Days Like These....

"the garou refer to this form as your glabro, the near human. as a nuwisha, we have a different name, but that's not important right now. your third form is your war form, the one used for mainly fighting." i say.

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Forest Heat

Strangely, she seemed to enjoy being near humans, which was odd for both wild pokemon, and ones that had been released by or escaped from a trainer. yet she clearly didn't have a trainer, as was evidenced by the lack of a pokeball's anti-theft chip.

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