Sounding Snake Infestation

It wasn't an entirely painful burn, but it was over stimulating him beyond belief. pre leaked past the snake and helped lubricate its adventure, inch after inch sinking inside carmen's throbbing shaft, until finally the tip of its tail disappeared.

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An Otter Alone

Luna gagged as the first strand of cum erupted from his over stimulated member, plastering the back of his throat. another burst forth, filling his mouth and covering his tongue. luna drew back, gagging as he let his member free from his mouth.

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To remember that she had asked for this, and that based on past experience the torment of over-stimulation was all too worth it for the pleasure it offered through any measure of discomfort.

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A Party to (kind of) Remember

The night however, the blackness and the pleasure and the hellish intensity of his body's over-stimulation, was only just beginning. by jeeves like my stories?

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Love Is... Chapter 17

It was so very sensitive, and even once the pressure of the massager was gone emma could still feel it throbbing with over-stimulation as martin's still proud and twitching cock probed at her inner walls. "martin, i..."

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She shuddered at the feel of his cock sliding out of her the sensation stirring desire even as over stimulated nerves made her wince.

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No Small Feat

She had cum so many times in the last few hours, so often and so hard that at times she had been certain she would have to confess the truth or risk going insane from over-stimulation.

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Ablaze Once Again

Who else could see and feel the most violent and savage extremes of over-stimulation, and love him all the more when finally they were released from those ravaging clutches? not chemical, surely.

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Gadget’s Boys (A Disney Jeeves Prompt; Posted with Permission)

He screamed and thrashed in gloriously intense over-stimulation, but pushed back against chip's continued fucking and buried his hands under his own pillow to keep himself from trying to stop chip jerking his overworked, overly sensitive cock. "again!!

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Happy Anniversary

As her orgasm enveloped her, he got a taste of her sour sweetness on his tongue and lapped it up lovingly as she twitched and moaned from over stimulation.

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Out of Lube

The over stimulated feline wasn't ready for that rough touch and squealed loudly. he squirted into the dominant male's grasp within seconds, body squirming and tailstar tightening right up around the horse's tool.

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Robin Hood: Skippy Sucks UP

Once robin was empty, skippy licked off the fox's cock, making him laugh at the ticklish over stimulation of his post orgasm. cleaned off, skippy jumped up in robin lap, putting his arms around the tall fox.

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