Chapter 7: In Your Eyes

"you're mom gave you the sex talk, right? before..." another ping in the dalmatian's chest caused him to flinch. "yeah... she gave me the sex talk..."

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Lucky Truckee part 1

The husky began that lust filled but slightly cheesy sex talk of someone who is really into it. " oh damn, i am not gonna last much longer...." bernerd pants out. " i could do this all night..... but blow if you must."

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Working Overtime

It was cute as hell the way she got so embarassed at all this sex talk. "well..." i started, then i broke off. i really wasn't sure what ~to~ say to this. tina took my hesitation for reluctance. "no, if you're not interested, just forget it."

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My Story Ch6

If you don't fucking talk i'm gonna hang up.i said so when do you want us over? mark asked give us an hour. i said okay will do. mark said. then i wake adrian up what the hell do you want? he asked annoyed its ten in the morning, time to get up!

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There was a rumour that he blew his load after a girl stripped for him....yeah.....fucking talk about for adam, well he's a different story... a little pessemistic to say the least....

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Barkley and Woofington

"i always mother fucking talked like that, you bitch!" bentley relayed. "matter o fact, you jive-asses should talk like me. shiz." "we didn't mean to offend..." barkley retreated. "naw," bentley spooged. "i ain't mad a'cha.

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The Twelfth Fairway

"the sex talk." "um, i'm almost thirty, mom. besides, we had that talk back when you found saqui's magazines and thought they were mine." "this is a different talk.

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Ricky's New Adventure Ch. 1

Shawn was starting to talk as if it was sex talk, and it was obvious he was getting aroused. at the same time ricky gave a little squeak, terrified of what would happen to him.

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As shi speared hir erection in and out, gaining speed and momentum, shi started whispering naughty sex talk in the wolf morphs ears, making hir growl and whimper and blush and clench tighter around the throbbing cock inside hir squirting vagina.

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The Roommate

_it had been more than just the safe sex talk, i know it. i mean, they'd even said--_ i felt the dik-dik's hot breath on my soft pole, which began to harden despite my reluctance as my hesitation solidified into terror.

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The Big Sister Part Thirteen: Scylla Strikes!

First off, don't you fucking talk about our dad like that!" scylla said as her smile would turn soon to a frown as she grappled her massive hand onto the side of the building and crushed a corner, sending debris hurdling below.

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Let's fucking talk." ### like what you see? want to support my work? you can do so in a number of easy ways.

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