Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight

Bruneau went up to square off with adonis. the pair stood there, adonis dribbling while they both waited for the other to make a move. the eagle-owl leaned forward, and hiro saw him say something to the dog.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 4

Ryu, welcome to the home of the scyllas, adonis i." dairyu moved towards the seat beside capisa where he could see the overall planet called adonis i.

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Fifteen Minutes (Neon City, Book 2): Chapter Four

Andi, fido and adonis stared numbly at the sight of her, as if they'd been zapped as well. the guy who'd stunned her swaggered over to fido and jabbed the stunner into his throat. "_no!

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The Exiled Prince

adonis was many things. "nah, he's not like that." "come on. adonis is always horny. can always see his tip poking through that fine silky robe he wears." "i'm not denying his arousal.

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Inhaling the intoxicating scent of the adonis anubis, as his tail curled around his lap to conceal his rampart arousal.

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adonis never bothered to take his tongue out of her mouth, letting it press from cheek to cheek, bulging them as he turned the cat around to mount her.

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Act XV

Quillan and i got into my car and we drove off, heading back to adonis' apartment.

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Fifteen Minutes (Neon City, Book 2): Chapter Five

"they were in bed--clyde in andraste's room, katrilla in adonis's--when the intruders busted in." "andi heard a commotion outside," clyde said with a sigh.

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A Product Testing Party (2/5)

Soon they were paired up with klaine and adonis, the raptor slipping behind havok while adonis took care of draconicon.

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Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Luke's Story

Sitting four seats in front of me and facing me is what could only be described as an adonis in fur form.

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The Good Samaritan

"my name is adonis, most call me adon. do you need me to call an ambulance?" "no, no ambulance," the raptor quickly replied as he waved a hand in the air.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 24

While it was great, let knew that taking amhyr, who had established a family, to adonis iii was a gambit.

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