Black Magic - Chapter One: Sometimes I Hate This City

I don't know why, but practicing archery is like my crack cocaine, heroine, and angel dust all rolled into one big ball of joy.

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Summer Camp Adventures, Chapter 1

"the archery range is there, as well as the rifle range, arts and crafts in that cabin, the athletic fields are to your left. the high ropes course is down that path, and that clearing over there is where you'll pitch your tents.

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FR04: You're just mad you can't find your own nuts

As he approached the area, rust noticed the wall on the other side of the stables held several targets for archery, so marksmanship could be practiced without having to leave the camp.

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The Centralite Games Pt3

Eventually orion won the archery, with tahir second and felicia third, she knew how to pull a bow. next was the first of the track and field, the one hundred metre sprints.

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Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 6

I did archery when i was a...cub. i think that's how you'd put it?" the cheetahs both nodded and i nodded after them, "then yeah, i did some archery back in my cub days. i was a good shot."

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A Short Story about Foxes 2: details and characters

Shima shot jorge in the knee during archery classes after work during the summer- 'accidentally'. he was hospitalized for a week. they made up. they lived long and prospered. the end.

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The Bridge

**The Bridge** _A short little story about Silverley's first encounter in a new city. As I was writing this, two endings came to mind. Both were possible, and both had ramifications for Silverley's future storyline. As I was unable to decide between...

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Love is Blind (c)

I never got a lot of love when i grew up, so i think that i started loving archery. bleyen's floofy fuckin' tail plume, this is all scattered... i'm not good at this.

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A Tail of Two Peoples - The Assassin Council and Their Seconds

The fox is well-muscled, and accustomed to a life of archery. **small bio:** rak'leare was born into the guild, and is actually the assassin svara's aunt.

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Inhuman Relations

Stumbling forward, half blinded by dust and fear, you raise the bow like you would lift an axe, forgetting your years of archery training in an instance.

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Humble starts chapter 2

"and so mr.wulfblood that is the reason we don't have a archery class anymore." mr.johnson, who roy now realized was one of the phys ed teachers, had been talking this whole time and roy had completly missed what he had been saying.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 48

"so, should we go back to doing archery?" lyza rolled her right shoulder. "my arm kinda hurts too...i think i might wanna wait."

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