A Howling Good Birthday

azrael had a feral grin on hir face as bright green goo of a similar nature dripped from hir maw as a black and glowing green tongue licked hir chops.

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CSAA - The Social Experiment

azrael said with a light chuckle. "he's been going to this school for the last three years which makes him a senior. as such his classes are a bit sparser than yours.

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azrael, chamuel, cherubim, dina, elijah, gavreel, haamiah, hael, haniel, israfel, jophiel, nemamiah, nisroc, paschar, perpetial, raphael, rhamiel, shekinah, urim, uriel, valoel...and my lover. hadraniel." the devil shook his head in wonder.

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Blood in the Mists - Chapter 1

"azrael, i am sorry!" she sobbed. i came out of my trance state realizing what had happened, i had allowed my anger to get the best of me, which with a person like me is not a good thing.

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Natsu's Backstory Part Two!

One of the most dramatic things that happened in the arena was by an angel called azrael. the angel of death. they had begun as enemies. he had tried to take natsu to heaven, for whatever reason.

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A Not So Subtle Revelation - Azreal(WereGryphon) TF

azrael purred, already wondering what eli would be like once his gryphon side came out to play. they had all night to find out.

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Chaos Chapter 8: Rampage

'_ luke thought to himself as he approached azrael and breenelle, stopping just beside them and waited for them to notice he was there before he spoke up. they didn't, and he announced his presence "azrael. breenelle."

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Blood in the Mists - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 for blood in the mists azrael and josh have their first date and boy is it a doozy. its bdsm night at the club and the queen has something special planned.

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Chaos Chapter 7: The Black Titan

Luke looked back over to eberon, watching as the incineroar battled azrael. luke had seen azrael fight before, and knew the absol was strong, butnone of his attacks seemed to have any effect on eberon at all.

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Rise of the Werehyenas

"take a look at that," azrael pointed out, looking up at the shining celestial body. the others looked up at it as well and felt a strange comfort.

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Blood in the Mists - Backstory

"i'm azrael, the bar back manager. i hope you're ok." i said concerned. i was now standing next to him looking into the mirror. he was a few inches shorter than me being five foot eleven.

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