Alchemist's Letter #1

The list: 3 bundles sableleaf 1 pouch favel gum powder 3 crystal vials 5 bundles redgrass 1 whole cervac root 1 pouch each of olivine, garnet, & beryl-tektite stones 1 vial fellwood sap 12 rockbird eyes 5 dried blacktail lizards 5 spiderlok roots

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The Mendicant Priestess - Week 2: Predator/Prey Relations

#2 of the mendicant priestess in which beryl strikes out for almost the whole week, before meeting an interested - a...

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RedTails : The Paddled Princess Chapter 02 - Party Crasher

beryl asked. "oh, i'm just taking your past record into account," the tiger replied.

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The Lure

She almost wished she had a larger miner, but anything larger than the _red beryl's twin_ needed more than two crew to operate safely. two was enough for her.

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A Task Begun

He said, waving a hand blindly from behind the dm screen and i heard beryl snicker quietly.

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Sold to the Brothel (part four of four)

For one-thousand beryls, their currency, the doe-taur purchased sandor, even if he did not feel that they were a male anymore. hadn't she heard it all from the fox's very own lips? but she'd had to do something.

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The Wish!

The way the light bounced off and refracted through her scales, it was like they were really emeralds -- precious crystals made of green beryl. "uh-uh," said michael. "uh . . . uh. . . ." michael was dumbfounded. he felt an instant connection to her.

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Travelling: Chapter1

The only thing my mother left me was a beryl necklace, and i only took it off for showers now. if i ever lost it, i would never feel whole again.

Qest Primal - Chapter 25: Simon

He'd be okay, according to beryl and the medics, but he was definitely spending the next few days almost comatose; that bite from pilotte, the beatings, and the amount of blood lost, he deserved a long vacation of his own, as much as he wanted to return to

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Return to Equusscence

-beryl markham- " instinct sympathy which makes horse and master one heart, one pulse, one understanding love-is never made, but born."

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Stella Novus - Præludium, Terra Perniciosa

In spite of all this and the general acceptance of the beryl peace accord, all manners of vice continue to run rampant, not the least of which is unscrupulous genetic research.

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