Catherine's Clinic

"slight pinch and... there we go." the doctor said, withdrawing the syringe and putting the needle in the biohazard container. "now go tell your mother i'm ready for her, and have fun, but not too much fun." the doctor finished with a wink.

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The Sleepers

They reached a door marked with biohazard signs. the windows next to it were covered in thick plastic and taped into place. they created a fuzzy view into the room beyond, giving vague shapes, but little more.

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The Clinic

He indicated the freezer in the corner of the room and a slot in the wall large enough to accommodate the rubber sleeve, both thoroughly festooned with biohazard warning labels. "is that it?" theodore asked.

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Biohazard Remake - Chapter Two

#3 of biohazard remake the first part of this chapter might seem out of place, depending on how much you paid attention to the seemingly unimportant details in chapter one.

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Really Now

"you seem to take the hardcore approach to it," he said, "do you put on a biohazard suit for vacuuming?" i chortled. at least he sounded to be in good spirits.

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Biohazard Remake - Chapter Five

#6 of biohazard remake everyone converges on the almae building, and paul meets his new alpha.

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Taking a Clucking Vacation

The signs displayed the universal biohazard symbol with the text "warning: genetically altered crops." a serial number of some kind was displayed in large bold print under the text, "rt-675."

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RESCUED. Chapter 1.

2 foxtaurs came in wearing biohazard suits, each had medical scanners.

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The Gift (Part 2)

He wore a black tank top with a blue biohazard logo printed on the front which was permanently tucked into a pair of white boxers.

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Thomas the rat

My ears perked up when i heard the word **outside** , but i wasn't sure what this biohazard meant. "oh well, it leads outside, that's all i need to know."

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Drift Spin-Off: Biohazard

biohazard by lecount [earth 2xxx] "are you sure about this, honey?" "yes, mom." mikhail sighed and nodded his head, his shaggy brown hair falling in front of his equally brown eyes.

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