The Call of the Ancients

This is what your ancestors call upon you to cleanse. you must go now," the apparition called to him. he sat up in bed staring at where it had been. the elvish ancestors rarely came out so forcefully to their kindred.

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A Close Call

"How does Veilstone sound, Crys'?" Ray asked while holding Sinnoh's map. They were walking north through Route 210's dirt path from Solaceon under a rising sun. He often glanced at the greenery on either side of them in case someone wanted to lunge at...

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A Call to Arms

They take turns calling us names," ohman explained matter of factly. roland usually tolerated the harassment but today he was embarassed. "i hate gym," he said. zavvy watched as the other boys walk away.

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Call of the Mountain

calling out in pain as her lips were given a surprise stretch, much closer, guttural growl signaling her end.

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The Crank Call

Rachel however was trying to call her new potential roommates, but they would not return her calls for some reason. something was up, and it was making her nervous. she could not relax, and she found it hard to sleep.

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Call it Greed

call it madness, call it impulse, call it greed, but something possessed you to slip the sparkling strings into your coat pocket. it took the time of two breathes to walk out the door.

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The Call to Service

- faora **the call to service** it was because he was the favourite. mizip knew that, as the kobold picked his way up and over the bodies of his sleeping kin with delicate steps and leaps.

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On-call Daddy

Jace moaned from his side of the call, and noah could make out the sounds of bedsprings squeaking as the beagle assumably shifted his position.

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Call of the Moon

Yet the call of the moon kept bringing his attention back to its warming presence. he could almost feel its rays relieving the aches and pains in his body.

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Distress Calls

Toward the source of the distress call. bell-bell walked into sickbay. welly looked up. "hey," he said weakly. she nodded back at him. "hey," was her reply. "you, uh ... " " ... hear about the distress call? yeah.

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Call of the Incubus

call of the incubus by rowyin darkwulf all characters © me proofread and edited by si "evertide" m. they had no idea what they were up against. there was no way they could keep him locked up for even a short period of time.

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