A Song in the Winter

Another crack appeared in the ice that had entombed her, but she paid it no heed. instead, she decided to enact an incantation that would silence her resting place. opening her jaws, she shattered the impedance of ice preventing her from doing so.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 6 of 29, "Down to my bones."

Black wolf royals entombed within their moment of death, perfectly preserved in their melted state.

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Ch. 14 -- Guild Report

He can remain entombed on that frozen waste, buried next to that upstart commoner he ran off with," snarled wymera. "yes, mistress," said gold with an affirmative nod.

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Wayfinder's Journals (1)

The ashes are entombed, with the staff used as a headstone, and the line of succession carries on.

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No Relief

Face as he tried to grind their bodies fruitlessly, before he gave his master one long, deep horny kiss, holding onto the stallion's gigantic head for support; but even the kiss failed to release any of the rabbits pent up desire, and he stared down at his entombed

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Rescued by Big Ben

To be about 6:30 in the evening; i had been laying there in brutus' dump for at least a couple of hours, and despite my best efforts to extricate my lower body from the gritty log, i gave up as the turd hardened and i began to worry my arms would also be entombed

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His cheeks had swelled up to swallow his face what felt like an eternity ago, and save for a hose that went from his mouth to some tank, as well as a separate hose to provide air to his fat-entombed lungs...

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"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.12 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

Instead of resting here, his body, in six parts, was entombed outside the walls in six separate sepulchers.

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Nice to Seat You Ch 1.2

Storerooms lined with gold relics and evidence of entombed coffins were also found further in, but tulip was not that big of the adventuring type.

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The Lotto of Life

Lengban squealed, jerking himself left and right, half entombed in black fur already.

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Chapter 18 - Nightswimming

He smiled as he looked down at his right hand, the one with the beautiful sapphire entombed within the ring of gold around his third digit. as he approached the pool, he places the towel upon a beach chair near the pool.

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