Random Unnamed Story #1

It dropped the assault rifle for a moment to pull the door shut, something i had forgotten in my haste to leave the fishbowl.

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Goldfish Wishes

. \*\*\*\*\*\* nicki had found a nice sunny spot near their living room's window for the new fishbowl, and decided to affectionately name their new pet 'goldie'.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 26 - Under the Sea

All she had for the air was the little fishbowl over her head. _how the hell is that possible? man, this place's physics as are way off._ "mhmm, but sometimes it's fun to get wet, too."

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Chapter 1

The office resembled a fishbowl with all its glass walls that would allow the boss to oversee the club. "i'll think about it boss," a white tiger was saying as he walked with his back towards nick and brass as they came out of the stairs.

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Any Wolf in a Storm

The two wolves froze and looked up from their revelry with the looks of cats found next to a broken fishbowl. "so . . . how exactly is this going to prevent us from freezing?" "well, the storm's not going to bother a wolf much . . ."

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Initiation, Part 5

He turned his head from side to side, testing the mask--the curvature of the glass over his eyes made him feel like he was looking out of a fishbowl, but otherwise everything seemed normal, and the mask stayed fixed in place.

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Lost Tales of the Planet Rushes: The Mind-Melting Parasitic Dildo-Snakes of Planet Xenobia, Part One

Evie grabbed one of the fishbowl-style helmets from the rack and slipped it over her head, careful to keep it from catching her hair. it locked onto the collar with a _click_. "exotic life and unseen vistas await, mina. i don't have time for seatbelts.

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Remember Me 4 - Beneath Emerald Steel

The fish stomped forwards before opening a slot beneath the fishbowl containing several bolts.

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_ _think back to that first time your cub's fishbowl has a floater!? on that ghastly morning when their first beloved goldie dies and their abject confusions!

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Life of the Party

In his mind eye he had an image of a fish in a fishbowl, a decoration where the living thing can move around the area it was summoned and people could go up and look at it.

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24 Hours (Part 1)

As she unlocks the door, she invites daniel inside and asks him to sit on her bed while she gets over on one of the tables, there is a large fishbowl filled with free condoms to use on kayla.

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