Friendship Unbound! Henry's Not-So-New Experience!

I was just wondering when you were planning on not being a god awful liar." said takato. "oh come on takato. he's not that bad of a liar." said henry. terriermon scoffed and crossed his arms. the room was silent for a few minutes when henry spoke up.

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Blackmailing a Wolf

"you're a liar." "i'm hurt." "not as hurt as i am by--" "physically hurt," jeff put his hand on his chest for emphasis-- "your blatant lies--" "my own boyfriend--" "you're lying to me!" "_calling me a liar!

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A new year~ 5

He was such a good liar he had some kind of silver tongue. it made me giggle , said goodbye to mister k and followed tyrin out the door. "your a good liar, y'know?.." i said looking up at him. "heh.." he grinned gripping my ass...

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 18

"oh no no no, i love having guest's now what do i call you, apart from liar?" the dragon asked jumping down off the rock and landing behind the naga, his huge tail and body forming a corral to keep the naga in the cave entrance. "i'm not a liar!"

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Dust in the Wind. Dust in my Lungs (PMD:WNA #2)

I won't be a liar, not again, not one more blasted time!' the feeling of the beam along my back was back as it wedged into my spikes again.

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The Rainbow Flag...: Chapter 2

My friends were right about one thing; i am a terrible liar. i don't see the point lying if i'll get caught anyway. "y-y-yes.." i cough. my mom bursts into tears and locks herself away in her room.

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The Rainbow Flag...: Chapter 2

My friends were right about one thing; i am a terrible liar. i don't see the point lying if i'll get caught anyway. "y-y-yes.." i cough. my mom bursts into tears and locks herself away in her room.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 31

You're a liar!" "i had no choice! i did what i had to do!" "you're a liar and a murderer, ander! a _murderer_!" "hezzi, no..." "murderer! murderer!"

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{Pokémon/Babyfur} Bothersome Babysitting (2/2)

You're accusing me of being a liar now? i am the pokémon of wishes, i am the pokémon who knows the deepest desires of everyone and everything in this world. if there's anyone in this room who's a liar, it's probably you."

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Hello! Hello! Chapter 7 - The Finale Part 1

You're a fucking liar! i hate you." "nick, listen. i told you that we could not sleep together until you were done with kaiden.

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