Hunters moon New Moon Rising: Chapter two

Her magick gripped me and enfolded me. agony was all i could feel, such, terrible pain!

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 12

magicks filled the void within oaky, but these were magicks that were never meant for mortals to bear.

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Magic Mating

They had met as children, at a school for gifted magicks users.

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Magick Harvest Chapter 6: Closing the Season (Patreon)

The final chapter of the magick harvest, in which lord albus masterson calls the season to a close and is made to take part in the actual production of the magick that was harvested. a rather...naughty process, we find out.

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Part 7 – Moving on

Well let's go back father than that this story is about anna, a dragon who has the magickal ability to take the shape of a winged human. it is an ancient magick, which not all remember they have.

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Depths Of Winters Embrace - Chapter Two -

"you are a spirit, brought forth and given the semblance of life by my magicks and my will." "i do not understand."

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 4 - Bizmark's Story; Chapter 9

Bizmark said proudly, and before he could stop himself he added, "i even discovered a magick from doing it!" "is that so?" jabebe said thoughtfully, "magick from mating... would that not be just another working of naturae?"

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A Feidh's Folly - Chapter One -

"caerwyn - " caerwyn winced, sensing something through his meager magicks, the maester hadn't singled him out for a casual chat...

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 10

As her magicks flowed through her body, she focused on reducing herself as evenly as possible. only a slight error in judgment could leave her mis-proportioned until she could correct for it or until her magicks wore off.

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Amplifier Saga--Chapter 3

Using some of hir latent magick, kalliel causes the crystal to float to hir hand while ignoring the pain the use of hir magick is causing. shi holds it in front of kurswain.

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To Court the Fèidh - Chapter Six -

Fianna screamed as she felt the magicks sear her fur and flesh, marking her and banishing her forever. "no...what have i done..."

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Taken By A Monster: Part Three: Kindness

I could even feel that he had a touch of healing magick, and he was using it on me. like being bathed in sunlight. i even started to purr softly as he worked, because it felt good.

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