New Underwear

I choose this place as our base because apart from being abandoned it's full of mannequins!" "mannequins? why do we need those?"

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Like Son Part 1 - 2021

Most of you were able to get more than half your targets, and even one of you was able to score the mannequin at the end." he then challenged them "second group, hit the mannequin's head next. is that clear?!" "yes sir!"

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Revenge of the Lagiacrus

Alongside it, carefully assembled on a mannequin, was the hunter's armor.

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Chapter II: We are Arsenal

Mary had what looked like half a mannequin dressed in some tight-fitting, anatomically correct black body armour. madman was clutching leather straps in one paw while there was a mannequin head in his other.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirty

Only half the scorch mark had been scrubbed off, and tons of mannequin pieces still littered the floor. "i'm sick," i said again. "i need to go home."

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Everything Must Go!

He nodded, and then grabbed at one of the remaining mannequins. "hey! are these for sale, too?" i nodded, smiling at his sudden enthusiasm. "yeah, everything in the store, except some of the fittings that are rented." "huh.

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Queen Muz-Ra #8

Upon entering the armory, muz-ra was struck by how realistic the khajiit mannequins were. "wow. your mannequins are very lifelike!" ubergard noted. "yeah, i had them custom made to my body."

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Bound by Destiny 24½

When the dress finally was on, tarja gave a soft yelp as she felt two hands grabbing her from behind and turned around to see the mannequin holding her, "ahhh! julie! you didn't tell me that your mannequins are alive!"

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Bound by Destiny 24½

When the dress finally was on, tarja gave a soft yelp as she felt two hands grabbing her from behind and turned around to see the mannequin holding her, "ahhh! julie! you didn't tell me that your mannequins are alive!"

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven

I was surrounded by a small army of club wielding mannequins, each supported by a spiderweb of strings coming from the ceiling. one came for me, and i swung splatsy to block its attack.

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Jowee Loves Mari (Part 3)

"just give them a chance to be together and i'm sure you won't be disappointed", the creator concluded before returning to the podium where the mannequin was on to begin with and fading from the room, leaving the lifeless mannequin behind.

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