Elevator Ride

The sheer size of those muscles are so exaggerated, like a muscle morpher got crazy on photoshop. the otter is just that big of a hulk. "i could invite you sometimes, y;know?" "huh?"

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Dinosauria- Chapter 2- Birth of the Set

An illusionist... a bio-morpher... shape-shifter? whatever you are, you're scaring these people so you'll have to come with me. i can take you to a safe place so you and i can talk."

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Invasion Ch 4 Big Changes Ahead

He offered, knowing several officers wouldn't just randomly make an accusation for no reason; many horses had already died that way in the brutal primitive period of ehlosian history when the morpher race had been conquered.

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Children of Steel

We were kept on a short leash here on earth, morphers, animen, whatever you called us; we weren't terribly popular here right now. actually i'm not sure we ever really were, so we never went off company property without a lot of supervision.

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FFTA:FC Chapter 2

The morpher turned to elric. "perhaps alias can shed light on this conundrum," he suggested. ritz cocked her head quizzicaly. "alias? who's that?" the paladin met her gaze.

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Blood Runs Thicker Than Water

Miles went up to his room to fetch his toy sword and 'morpher' which was a bulky watch that allowed them to morph.

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Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1 - Revised)

As for the morpher part, let's just say darkthunder accepted them as part of the package." "does it ever feel odd having to address your own partner as your superior?"

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red steel: Origins part 1

It's a pain just getting it on so joked about it being like a power ranger morpher. he got it back with his gauntlet enhanced slightly and was stunned that the rest of the scientists quickly implanted its design into their own armors.

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The Explanation to Everything

I know a morpher!! averin: yeah yeah, whatever. as i was saying, i used to be a human but not anymore because i was given the heart of a dragon. orpius: you... you killed a dragon. averin: no, he actually gave up his life to save mine.

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