Two True Needs

**Two True Needs** When Kyra awoke, it was sunset and she immediately hoped that everything she thought had happened was, in fact, a dream. Unfortunately that hope was shattered by the feelings of Movix's flaccid shaft still buried in her aching...

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An...Unexpected Outcome

**An...Unexpected Outcome** Movix was something very unusual for an alpha male: He was single. Not that he couldn't get a wolfess -- in fact they were practically trampling each other to get to him -- but he just didn't like any of them,...

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Second Meeting

**Second Meeting** A fresh layer of snow glistened in the moonlight -- the first snow of the year -- a harbinger of winter. A second later the tranquil scene was shattered as bucks and does stampeded across the snow-covered hillside, sending the...

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_Starshine_ _By Xan Steel_ _(Zootopia is owned by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jarod Bush, Disney, and Disney Animation Studios. This is a Fan Fiction in that world)._ _Musical inspiration; Starshine (feat) Jay Jacob. By Jay Jacob, Refracture,...

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Poison Mistletoe

12/25/11 So many memories on this day. I think of you know, it reopens my scars that it bleeds in screams that claws through the stars hidden underneath the morning's suns. Who knew these dead memories becomes zombies and devour my thoughts, taunts...

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Ruth and Merrie, chapter 2 of Ruth and Marie

Ruth and Merrie   Ruth rang the doorbell, flower vase in one hand. She had around her neck a new small silvered chain holding a crystal in which a small bone cross-section was displayed. She wore causal school clothes. Merrie answered. "This is...

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The Mourning After - Aceh & Reece

#12 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) so this is a follow up of the events in chapter 11, picking up immediately from where we left off at the end, where aceh shows reece just how pleasurable sex can be, he's got a lot to teach the young drake

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Chapter 2-A Lover's Mourning

Second Chapter, sorry about no anthro's yet, but I needed to get you to feel more for the characters loss. So next chapter..... well, no spoilers are gonig to be here. Feel free to comment, and critique. I want feedback, what do I need to do better? ...

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I'll Put On Black In Mourning

._ _our friendship was ambiguious,_ _but if you ever leave me,_ _i'll put on black in mourning,_ _and cry myself to sleep._

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Scoped, Dropped, never Mourned

It was dusk, Russian winter setting in. Ominous black clouds rolled and mixed with one another as they passed in the smoked fumed sky. The minds of the average man and the common soldier differ drastically. Common sense is but a luxury and has no sense...


Part 2: Mourning and Waking

Lexus this story is licensed under the creative commons attribution noncommercial share alike 3.0 license (c) 2008-2012 by gedlion lexus chapter ii - mourning and waking _i keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, and wait till

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SoaP Ch15: Mournful Duties

You can also send me a tip on my ko-fi account. chapter 15 mournful duties the sounds of a metal door opening down the hall roused rishi away from the book he was engrossed in.

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