Young Wolf's First Buck (drawing-based story)

I couldn't look away though, and softly panted at seeing his sculpted cheeks and fluffy teardrop tail swish with the light afternoon breeze. it made me wonder what lay beneath it.

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Wedding Night Surprise

"lets have breakfast," she said, walking as if her body was just sculpted in that form. jason just nodded and walked towards her. she was nude, the wife of his dreams.

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The Great Starfall - Part I

He pointed up to the steel sky above them, his nanobot-sculpting gauntlet flashing like a mirror ball in the soft blue twinkling of the core. "listen!" the wolven elders' ears all perked up, but all was quiet above them.

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A Gene Pool Party

The costume clung to his athletic build like a lover, showing off ever sculpted inch of him, from his the costume clung to his athletic build like a lover, showing off ever sculpted inch of him, from his wide pecs and washboard abs to his well-defined

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Easy gig

So in order to ensure you fully experience the life chosen, our innovative 'mind sculpting' program will take care of that. embedded on your helmet is a visor that will later become your eyes.

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Claw-Taps In The Dark

Above the package, a sculpted elevation of fur. that went up, and up, as far as i could reach in a thin lion. best guess, the bottom edge of a lion's mane.

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 2

He had a large canine body, thick rubber fur sculpted and shaped exquisitely into a huge mane and thick head fur. his tail was the same bright silver rubber as well as the tufts of sculpted rubber that covered the back of his legs.

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A First Time After a Fist Fight

I slide my hands up, tracing his sculpted muscles with passion. he raises his arms, and i sling it off without a care. our mouths part for a long second, and we dive back in. chris raises his leg, wrapping it around my back.

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Mating Rituals -roughdraft-

Kilara's muscles began to harden with the daily exercises of hunting, sculpting, and mating with her father. sadly, her mother had not conceived.

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Quick Bite: My Last Night at The Pit

I wanted to inhale his scent, feel his heat, lick that sculpted, muscular body before he would get to lick all over mine...

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Gym Rat

He was in no way as sculpted as vic was though, and the tiger seemed to know it as he just gaped at the show that had happened in front of him.

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