Tribal Wolf Ritual

The tribal wolf stared down at me with a large smirk across his muzzle and forcefully slammed his knot inside of my anal ring. there was no turning back now. kaiden had already turned me into his personal bitch!

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Tribal Instinct: Beginnings

Wrote this part when bored. Didn't edit it yet, so sorry for any errors. ~ ~ ~ Quaid didn't dare blink; he didn't want to miss out on a millisecond of gazing upon this god of sex. Simply put, Clentin was enormous. He towered...

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Spanke and the Tribals 3

WARNING: Contains rape and killing of female deer. If you are offended by this, do not read. * * * Chapter 3. Luka had brought Spanke back into the cave and tied her to the eyehook in the floor. Spanke was very sore from all of them abusing...

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Spanke and the Tribals 2

Chapter 2. Morning slowly rose and light seeped into the cave. Spanke had managed to slip away from the sleeping Luka and was curled up at the extremity of the rope. Slowly the three woke, Obsidian sliding off from Blade's back, his member almost...

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Tribal Lore - Prologue

#1 of tribal lore   ~~~~~*~~~~~ ~~~~~\*~~~~~ before the piteous iron age of mankind, another time thrived to predate the pilgrims that ventured to these lands by a millennia.

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Tribal (1 of 5)

Mirrk couldn't see. He didn't know where he was, how he had gotten to his current location, or anything else about it for that matter. Instead, all that he knew was that he could neither see nor move. The last real memory that he had was walking...

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"Dara Kan Duros an Pagkamoot Ko"

When I was a boy, Father would take me to the Bazaar with him. I always loved going to the Bazaar. It was a yearly event that went on for a fortnight, and I would always jump for joy when the time grew near. There were just so many things to see...

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Aa - Dd)

Located in the valley is three tribal villages. one of the tribal villages\* is home the archilles dragons\* which is located near the centre of the to the desert.


Encyclopedia V2.2 (Updates)

The cliffs mark the border between the tribal lands and vak'nal. crystal plains named after the well known crystal cliffs\* that the plains are next to. the plains are the most northern point of the tribal lands.


The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (pt 5)

The moment there was even the faintest hint of tribal presence the human disappeared into the forest.

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How to tame a beast.

The red dragon looks at the tribal girls with a really big smile. ''actually.......i would like some more please.'' he said now revealing his sexual desire. the tribal girls have finally succeeded into taming and seducing the beast.

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A Lead Crown Contribution Exchange: Home?

This story is about her character tobias, a lovable prudish scholar pronghorn, and his time away from his birthtown and at a tribal village.

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