Shaken Space

It had been only a few minutes when a purple sort of hole appeared in front of us and looked like it was spinning and the ship started shaking and great more turbulence.

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Planet Empire Chapter 1 (revised)

A turbulence ripped sucking in the air suddenly all around and blew outward shattering several more in a violent wave. "run the ramp push....push." the whistle blew again.

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Team Argos, Chapter 1 part 2

So lay off, boy" the wolf drew back the butt of his pulse rifle to hit him, when suddenly the levi-vehicle experienced turbulence. the wolf's visor was thrown off his head as he stumbles forward.

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After that, he could distract himself, unless the turbulence got too bad. people started filing in ten minutes before boarding. kevin shook his head. it was reckless, anything could cause a delay.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 17

Vincent_ was experiencing turbulence, right before communication was cut. he desperately tried to re-establish communication, but then nothing happened.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart : Chapter 1- A test of Love and Faith-

The kiss was abruptly ended however by another large bump as the airship continued experiencing turbulence.

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Treating a Gorgon

There are not many doctors who have the chance to really get to discuss their patient's problems in detail, but here at the tower business was slow in the lunar months of turbulent weather.

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I have it all - some say i got it all for free everything i do, turns into a leafy golden tree the waters part for me, even in a turbulent sea i have it all you see, luck just seems to follow me my kids are healthy, happy and totally free

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Heroes Beneath Us: Chapter 6

He had originally intended to catch a few winks on the flight, but the turbulence had ruined that idea. "lived there my entire childhood and then got a scholarship to the state university where i studied law." "why law?"

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light: Chapter 4

Darkness swirled around him, a ceaseless, turbulent force. _"tokam..."_ the voice repeated. the euphonious tone of the voice sent waves of terror crashing into tokam. "what?!" he shouted into the blackness. _"turn back...why do you need to go...?

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To find

turbulences and whirls. breaking through the surface. leaving forever. through nothing. through pale blue, getting thicker. touching green. growing, expanding, reaching for the skies. hurt, flows like honey. not moving anymore. trapped and confined.

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Nothing I can do

In the turbulent waves my loved ones face, must i always be the one to help bare the burden? i don't complain, as long as i provide the help they need. but, who, i ask, can be there for me when i break? when the storm rages in my heart?

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