Chapter Two- Dream Come True

Her mouth slightly open, completely unattractive in every way. "what...?! i am a human soul. i can't carry a demon brood! i mean... maybe if my body was still considered alive. but i am just a solidified soul.

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Trick or Treat: Chapter 8 (Patreon Premium)

Troy wasn't unattractive by any stretch, though his luck with women was spotty at best. most might have said that he didn't have the best personality and maybe that he came off as a bit...creepy.

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"no, i have a cockless prude who steals my hard earned money.......why do you deny this, am i unattractive to you? an undesirable mate?"

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The Job

Shes not an unattractive tiger morph, nice breasts beneath her fur and hips just widening out into full womanhood. another time and place i would have swept her off her paws and taken her virginity without a second thought about it.

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Training with the Best

She was built, but nothing too unattractive, her muscles and lean form bonused her beauty. he tried to aproach her, he uttered a small sound.

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A Father's Love, Chapter Ten

"stop doing that, it's unattractive," david said. he was looking at himself in the mirror and flexing his muscles. he refused to give me my robe so i had to walk to my room naked.

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Farming with dragons (FERAL VERSION)

I wasn't unattractive i wasn't handsome either but the dragons thought i was especially one in particular. her name was gypsy.

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The Evolution of the Fawx

So sad and alone, unattractive and unpleasant, nobody would miss him if he suddenly disappeared. now was the perfect time as well, nobody could see. this would take quite a bit out of her, but it would be worth it in the end.

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Virtually Trapped Ch.1

It wasn't that the sixteen year old was unattractive, standing at 5 feet and an inch, with a truly petite body. she had shiny black and red hair.

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TotK - Forums - The Nord and the Khajiit

I confess to having spied that area when she would prepare food or drink for me, but it was - at least to my eyes - not unattractive and quite similar to the nord standard in that respect, though smaller due to her overall stature as would be expected.

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Choose Her Adventure: Fedra in The City of Harmony

Fedra wasn't unattractive, her snout gently curved, if marred by fine scars from old fights, her breasts and hips generous even by mammal standards, and her scales a rich green and blue.

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