170 Resource Gathering Phase

Consult the readme at https://www.sofurry.com/view/729937 save point: resource gathering phase uruk city outer walls while cleo is out and about on her mysterious errand, terrowne has taken the riding cat out to the markets beyond the walls, wherein all

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Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 5

"last person who got a phasing power from the lantern died due to internal injuries. she was too far gone for dr. kozina to save her, even with milena's milk on hand."

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Phase 1 - Crimson Flamestar Nova

This story takes place in a quasi-earth setting graciously to the future where technology is embraced but cautiously to keep in balance with nature. Crimson Nova, which some of you may know, gave me permission to use his character to write out...

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Sxenturia : Phase I - Welcome to the Movement

**end of phase i** _thank you for reading. if you enjoyed this story, please leave a comment in the section below. same goes if you have other remarks you'd like me (and others) to read.

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We'll Fight Together Phase II

We'll fight together: phase ii "put me down, you monster!"

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Zero Absolute (Phase One: Chase)

Each phase will probably be relatively short like this one, given my limited amount of writing time. the pitch black atmosphere was only interrupted in its endlessness by streaks of faint starlight tearing through the sky.

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Phase One -Shibari -Garden Bondage

_A weight seemed to drag into the poor feline's wrists while she stirred from her slumber. Her body shifted feeling something wretch back. Dark sapphire eyes winced opening up to blur from staying tightly shut. The curious eyes scanned pass the haze...

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Phase One: Invading Personal Space

.^ anyways, here is where the phases kick into gear. for those asking questions, don't worry, it'll make sense soon enough. "so, the festival starts in what? five days? feeling a bit anxious for it?" the poliwrath asked his companion with a chuckle.

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We'll Fight Together Phase III

So if you don't like that, sorry :/ phase iii _what if he's... gone?

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Moon Phased (Imported from FIMfiction)

Four years, you have been working four years for the Royal Guard of Equestria. You think you'd have seen it all after Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the revival of the Elements of Harmony. But you would never expect this. You started out guarding the...

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Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight

While this does negate the 25 foot average distance limitation of moving when phased it is not a viable alternative because phase-shifting takes much more time to accomplish than phasing itself.

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Relic: A tale of Ancient Evils (What to expect of the upcoming story)

phase 2: after the introductions to phase 1 have been made and the tale has begun, that's when things rather calm down at the beginning of phase 2.

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