Alpha and Omega - Fun Loving... Alpha?

After learning that there will be an alpha and omega 2, in which humphrey is an alpha, i decided to play with what he would be like as an alpha. so i give you, humphrey back from alpha school! antics ensue. ::grins:: but don't worry. total sap included.

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Alpha Eclipse

Night came and a full moon rose high over the Crimson Mirelands. A pack of wild Ursaring were about to start their scavenging but one of them started to change, being enveloped by a mysterious energy. Held in the bear pokemon's paw was the peat block...

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The Alpha Hunter

It was one of the worst years of human civilization. Hordes of the undead and monsters roaming the streets. The population slowly declining in massive margins. Scientists were unable to find a cure giving rise...

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Apex Alpha

But even so, the average alpha should be able to put up more resistance than this. the snow leopard had never heard of a true alpha being able to control alphas so absolutely.

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The Alpha's Consort

#1 of the alpha's consort toothless has fallen deeply in love with hiccup, the alpha and leader of the flock. lots of other dragons are trying and failing to court hiccup, who has no idea what the dragons are doing.

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Alpha to Omega

I want you to be my alpha." "good pup," cain purred. sven huffed. "fuck me, cain." "alpha." "alpha..." sven said and shuddered. he said it again as if to savor the taste. "alpha... alpha..." "that's right, pup, you know your place," cain said.

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Alpha Nick

He couldn't keep himself from getting another whiff, making himself very familiar with the stronger scent of the other male's body, registering it as the smell of his alpha. his big, strong alpha...

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TFL: Alpha

The alpha is chosen by the great mother herself!» she exclaimed. «oh, please; don't tell me you believe in that fable for half-witted hatchlings. the alpha is just a griffin strong enough to take the lead.

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Respecting The Alpha

"i was saving this, alpha." the smaller wolf said. "you should have it.. because you're the alpha.." he gave me a shaky smile as he said that. i could help but smile at him. i reached out and took the offered meat.

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An Alpha's treat

She couldn't get herself to lick made her stomach clench, although before she could react, the alpha jumped up and tackled the female "i warned you bitch! you should've listened when you had the chance."

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Alpha Will - The Trial

The alpha barked. "yes, alpha?" the shaman demurred to him quietly. "prepare your water clock to take the time!" "i shall, alpha," the grizzled wolf nodded. the alpha turned to face the boy.

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The Rubber: Alpha

Unknown to the alpha a new symbiote brewed within his mate, taking in the alpha's genome as did with the tiger and the rubber.

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