Bambi Epilogue

** ** it was a very awkward moment.** ** "faline, ignore him!"

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Rebound 2

No surprises or awkward moments.     the shower consisted of two columns going from the floor to the ceiling. four heads pointed in all directions. basically, mason would be looking his friends in the eye the whole time.

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 12

It often led to an awkward moment, as someone would call his name and he would have to explain why he was smiling cheerfully at nothing.

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this is my first story comments requested

This was quite an awkward moment and fortunate turn of events. they all looked friendly enough. "hey jeff" said one birds who was a male, black, and pretty slender. "sup, this is the new kid, alemane." "oh, a new kid.

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The Greeenmount Chronicles: Chapter 18, Interlude: Dilemma

They stood there for an awkward moment. roger felt uncomfortable asking so many questions. it felt wrong, since he really had no right to know. but in a way, he also felt that he had \_every\_ right to know.

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Essence Exchange

The buck turned what could have been an awkward moment into another chance to fully embrace his carnivore fetish. !

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Primal Love

Another, louder thunderclap sliced through the giddy, awkward moment. kuna instinctively clenched up and shivered. the wolf looked at him sympathetically, then smiled weakly and moved closer, wrapping an arm around him. "hey, it's alright.

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Zodiac - Chapter 2 - Aries: What's On Your Mind?

He had been expecting this awkward moment for the longest time. "i just wanted you to tell me when you were ready." the seal looked a bit ashamed. "i... just didn't want you to treat me any different."

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Like father, like son

"i think i caught you two at an... uh... awkward moment..." it made him think about how his mother had caught \_him\_ at his own awkward moment about a week ago when he had a white gryphoness in his room.

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Solis Part 12

Ears laying back ever so slightly as we stand in an awkward moment of silence. "i'm just tired, i don't mean to snap." i tell her, shaking my head as i begin to turn around. "right, but hold on a second."

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High School Relations - Chapter 1

He decided to break the awkward moment, so he pulled me into the water. it was really freaking cold, but we still had a great time. that brings me back to the last day of school. i got into first period, and i sat down next to trey.

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Walking in on a Bad Situation.. or a Good Opportunity!

There was another awkward moment of silence. "but.. i did sort of like you watching. it was kind of hot." his redness faded as he beamed happily, not embarrassed any longer.

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