Alexander Bio/Backround

A war raging between light and darkness,angels and demons. two gods fighting for total control of the universe to come. five years in,there is a massive explosion of power,tearing the universe into three parts. living,purgatory and dead.

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Even while she performed the dirtiest acts, she looked like a dark angel to him; and her beautiful form was unspoiled in every way.

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The legend of a warrior: chapter 21 - The Raid - "Suicide-Maker"

"as for my angel's duty, we have the new dark angel drone flying over your position. i can give you a god's eye sight in any moment. give a glance..."

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A Night to Remember Ch. 1

It was him, my savior, my dark angel. his eyes roved over the small crowd of partygoers until they settled on me, his gaze making me feel strangely aroused.

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profile for Angel

Lady angel (the dark angel) child of the great eagle king rick and the heron queen claire she had an excellent upbringing, heralding from the kingdom of avianum she spent her life training in magic and rituals as is her heratege, she is a descendent


The Profane Defilers Pt1

Fan creation is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by games workshop limited. 40k, adeptus astartes, blood angels, bloodquest, cadian, catachan, chaos, the chaos device, the chaos logo, citadel, citadel device, cityfight, codex, daemonhunters, dark

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 16: Black-Winged Angels

The dark angel had been watching them talk and didn't want to disturb their private moment. after avila was gone, it was her turn to talk her heart out.

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Dreams to Reality

She lands softly next to the boulder; her outline is that of a dark angel, lit only by the green shine of her eyes. she folds her wings back and reveals herself fully. she is not a bat, but a feline.

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Only a Painting

Could i have fallen for a dark angel in one night? perhaps, but how? i love tails, and that bad boy, he was just a weekend lover, not a friend. i thought i would never need him again, and now, i think i want to see him.

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The Meeting

That gave me the name dark angel wolf but everyone just calls me dark. the snow leopard suddenly hugged me tightly from the side; her eyes were still red and wet from so many tears. "thank you so much, dark!

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The dark angel was half a head taller than he. "once we know which ones prevail. not likely to be these, though. pathetic little creatures. they'll be gone soon." "you don't know that."

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Ashfall: Prologue

Ashe would've been surprised to know just how very little it took to turn a foe into a friend, her bane into her beloved, the dark angel into a radiant demon.

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