Hell's Guardian Chapter 1

His body wouldn't be able to take the stress of suddenly turning into a three headed demon dog so a spell was put on him so as to get his body in shape for it.

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hells gaurdian chapter 1

His body wouldn't be able to take the stress of suddenly turning into a three headed demon dog so a spell was put on him so as to get his body in shape for it.

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Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 1: A Home Away from Home

"and the turnstile defense your devil dogs trotted out in game five didn't make you sick to your stomach, mr. former goalie."

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Hell Hound Chapter 4, part 2

To the human it was like watching a large black dog open its mouth like a hippo would, only instead of a throat there was a glowing red pit of lava inside the demonic dog's stomach.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 2

Thinking about how sammael would react to his master made him shiver, as he never would think on what a demon dog would do if he was angry.          

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Angel In The Dark

+dream+ - devil dog, come in. - "what am i?" daemions inner voice asked, echoing through the caverns of his complex mind. - devil dog, this is raven. raven calling devil dog; talk to me dame. - "you made me this way...

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 2: New Faces

"no, some mercenary squad called the devil dogs. they attacked us too just a few days ago when we were down in fichina. i'm not sure why, but we've been seeing a lot of advanced enemy pilots lately." fox started to rub his chin.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 1

Though we managed to fend off a little of them due to my survivalist skill and eshdar's archery...and although i don't want to admit it, albreich's demon hunting skills and sammael's viciousness as a demon dog, we were still overwhelmed, and this is what happened

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep11

Enough maligna to summon his demon dogs, and that exactly what he did," sasuga told them as best as she could recall from that dreaded moment. "whoa... but how can kyle have maligna? is he bearer of abaddon's curse?" panja wondered.

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Laws and Regulations: Ch 6

Even if rori wasn't playing a factor into this, if i really did find the devil dog...would i really just hand over the evidence to that old geezer and let the killer walk free?

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