Whitewing Chapter 8

In the end, it was decided that he would join a mixed fighting and dark type survival class since he didn't have too much in the way of elemental abilities aside from his 'spirit' based attacks.

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Tail Feathers

Can different demons of the same breed have completely different elemental abilities? i do remember reading that imps sometimes have mutations like with vydra's tentacles, is this something like that?"

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 25: Last Stand

Then they saw karson, allison, yahade' and the other three lakadors behind him, using their dark energy rifles and elemental abilities against him.

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Valentines With The Sun

_"perhaps, but you're elemental abilities are clearly far stronger than mine. i...i don't know exactly why, but i feel a strange...bond with you. as if we were meant to fight side by side."_ _"i feel the same,_" he had said.

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Team Valiant

"well i'm not sure what this hydromancy is, but a pokémon's elemental abilities stem from their own strength...the stronger you are, the more powerful your moves will become."             she nodded in reply.

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525 Vermilion Lane-Chapter 3-Raid

A lot of them had been taken apart, missing limbs, missing heads, chunks blown out of bodies, and it was obvious the entombed had been using his elemental abilities, given the burns, rot and melting ice covering many of them.

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Commision - Tracing Fey Lines by Nievelion

What better place to spar and use our elemental abilities to their fullest?" stepping back from the table, he made as if to depart the room, then stopped and grinned coyly, as if he were many years younger.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 7

Gauging my strength, elemental abilities, checking to make sure everything's fine. i...guess we'll know the verdict when the matron comes back with your analysis." his sudden secrecy made her tilt her head at him. "if you say so."

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Prodigy: Reana's Tale

Her species all gained a sensory ability tied to arcane spell casting if they developed a mage gift along side their divine elemental abilities. zessaiya herself was cursed with extreme textile sensation.

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Ryu's Backstory

"yeah, it happens sometimes, usually it's not too bad but it will mess with your elemental abilities quite a bit. he still had a few growlithe features, honestly it made him look really cute." ryu said, blushing a bit at the memory.

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Chapter one: The Beginning

Picking it up he looked at it, a pitch black gemstone, a gift from his mother the day he learned how to completely control his elemental abilities, it was roughly the size of a foot ball both in width and length.

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